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Everything posted by Raule

  1. ioane e saks =))
  2. hai ma, spam amre!
  3. am un bucatar proxenet, alta mancare de peste
  4. alaoi toati
  5. Rusine dinu patriciu
  6. alaoi toati ia ce fain arghe
  7. plm ioane e saks
  8. faceti spam ma
  9. spam amre bajeti
  10. There's one posted by Paul_greatest.
  11. his name is ilariant, its structure is nitrous oxide and it has narcotic effect( sleeping drug)
  12. Im not playing lineage 2 anymore. By the way, what chronicle are you playing?
  13. ba mai schimba si tu ala..
  14. noroc, ce faceti?
  15. whatafaca niga whatafaca ia io
  16. mda, ioane e saks =))
  17. lexic la limita
  18. mda, cred ca ma culc
  19. cedry2k pe felioasa
  20. spam amre
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