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Everything posted by Raule

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRKjN20aAaA&feature=related
  2. nu..dar se ridica parul pe maini
  3. si eu am 5+1, sti ce pizdilichis se aude melodia asta http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWhTb67bKbw imi vibreaza coaile de la bass :))
  4. fi atent ma aici, n-am cuvinte
  5. buflea maniacu: ba fam si mie un hai di Edy Sabie: ce satzi fac ba Edy Sabie: ? Edy Sabie: BUZZ!!! buflea maniacu: un adin ba buflea maniacu: cu mumele meu de bogdan_simpaticu Edy Sabie: ce satzi fac baaa ?????? hai di ???? ce e ala sau adin ??? ce draq vorbeste ba romaneste buflea maniacu: adin Edy Sabie: id sa uce draq vrei ? rade ciob de oala sparta.. buflea maniacu: yahoo ba Edy Sabie: aha invatza ba draq sa vb k deaia ai facut 18 ani in clasa a 8a Edy Sabie:
  6. acu am venit si eu de la fotbal
  7. intra pe mess ma repede
  8. Welcome back, i remember you since you was doing l2 exploits AIOs with fakoykas.
  9. Raule


    How do you know? you're here since 2010. We know about that forum, locked. Report me too now.
  10. Lets cheat :D Theme: House M.D Text: Raule Subtext: Arrogance has to be earned.
  11. how they heck you have so many accounts with 3434535 posts on each.
  12. truth
  13. fi atent ce fata trage aia de mal :)) http://vplay.ro/watch/9bwmsfek/
  14. :)) http://vplay.ro/watch/r1j66yrv/
  15. http://vplay.ro/watch/eurqku1f/
  16. ala da spam amre
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