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Out of Time

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  1. You wrong this from scratch?
  2. What do i offer: I'm offering any Java service for any project you like, addons, create any mod with no limitation including external applications such as control server from Mobile phone or Discord. Bellow you will get a slightly preview of past mods i've created and already purchased by several clients. Further Information All prices are included in a price-list and they are static for all clients. For request your own mod you can contact me throughout the following: Contact Me Discord: https://discord.gg/gKAsAhJNuq MaxCheaters: https://maxcheaters.com/profile/243647-out-of-time/ Gmail: l2outoftime@gmail.com RCS Message: +30 698 740 8501
  3. Not any training model, i should fix that, just a very well done bot engine. As we use it on a local Internet Cafe spot and people join to test server, they don't seem to understand they are bots. Their behaviour is really well done. Many actions that other bots can't do are possible and the are complicated patterns that can be done due to structure of the engine such as Pick items of dead party pk member and later on trade them back to owner. So i'll fix later the title to Bot Engine rather than A.I.
  4. Artificial Intelligence for all Chronicles. Developed in L2 HighFive branch since 2023 but it can be adapted to any project including Fand-C, aCis, Frozen, Scripts even compiled projects such as Lucera with some aditional cost. Features: 1. Grouped of templates to create your own BOT (including skill, items, appearance, sex e.t.c.) 2. Bot can participate in Olympiad (+ any event with extra cost base on your event engine) 3. Bot walk nearby NPC to receive buff, receive equipment and teleport to any other area 4. Bot will accept party & clan invitation and follow party leader to wherever he go including teleport 6. Bot will trade player back dropped items from PK or fallen Raid Bosses after they visit a peace zone 7. Bot will open store and sell configurable item in configurable prices to players. 8. Bot will attack and cast spells in a realistic way. All classes are used including buffers, summoners, bishops e.t.c. 9. Buffer and bishops will cast buff to party members when player has no available or overriden buffs. 10. Bot will enchant their equipent and re-purchase upon failure. Their weapon will also switched between hero weapon and retail weapon when they need to. 11. Bot can move in complex map system and find monsters or players but they can also follow routes for specific paths using configurable XML if you want to. Preview of some features: Olympiad Trade Store PvP Example of a single configurable template in XML: https://pastebin.com/RXZVGCfA Price: 270 Euro (Compiled) - 450 Euro (Source) Contact Me Discord: https://discord.gg/gKAsAhJNuq MaxCheaters: https://maxcheaters.com/profile/243647-out-of-time/ Gmail: l2outoftime@gmail.com RCS Message: +30 698 740 8501
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