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  1. You're so stupid and scammer that you show some photos about your work and we can clearly see you didn't even bother to replace the new logo to the old one in the website/updater you're showing, and about that wiki you're showing, you're working for a Classic server, which means it doesnt have Kamaels or Sylphs, besides of that, that monster "Kima" doesn't even exist in ANY Classic chronicle. So we can clearly see that you haven't make the wiki and that you're showing just photos to act cool, and about that Updater, is just a photo of some old design you did only to act cool again and make people think you're a good worker. Nice wiki mister, useless ugly outdated/downgraded copy of l2central. So what are you showing here? Some latin text, old/already used designs, the design of an updater that you didn't even ask the client what they wanted (you clearly say DESIGN not function too) and a useless wiki that doesn't even have the data of the server Stop making fun of yourself. Nobody is dumb here to try and act like you're a legit worker. You should tell to everyone that your scam has been completed, because you cant call this shit that you just posted as work for the price you charged them.
  2. We were thinking with my team to purchase a website from this studio 1-2 weeks ago for our essence server, i feel grateful i seen this before deciding to contact them, it's clearly a scam and i wish good luck to recover your money. @L2Hermes That you had a good experience with them in the past doesn't remove the fact that what this people is going through is a heavy scam that should be punished, talks very poorly about the studio the behaviour they show, vanishing all groups, refusing to communicate, constant false promises, and a 6 months delay without any decent job showed, and about such delay, you can be delayed for weeks, but not for months, if you have serious problems that can't let you work, then you should return the money or offer a huge compensation and let the client decide, not keep it and act cocky after threating that you won't work anymore. It's incredible how a person that can't finish simple tasks act the way he did being delayed for 6 months, unbelivable... I will let all my colleages that own projects know about this and im sure 100% this will affect this guy business, what he did is not normal and must be punished by minimum spreading the word so nobody else fall for this disgusting scam
  3. Like says in title, included nwindows full package and methods to parse information from official server. Starting price: $300 (negotiable) Contact me via private
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