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  1. Thanks mate, and i agree with that, however thats something happening for ages and not specifically lately.
  2. Thank you so much for the integration!!! Excellent and professional. For sure a trusted seller.
  3. Thank you so much for the integration!!! Excellent and professional. For sure a trusted seller.
  4. No we didn't, we still see hundrends of server opening every month, if the community has been decreased or changed over the years thats another story.
  5. Whats sad mate? Toplists purpose on our perspective has always been players to find their ideal server to play, and so what happens if admin of some worthwhile servers do not bother registering cause they already been members on so many other topsites? We want to make rankzone a hub with all possible servers available and then by filtering/ranking our users to find their derised gameplay and server to play. It might be a slightly different aproach than the other topsites, but we do believe afterall that this approach will lead to more targetted traffic in the long run, but well thats our perspective as i said its not nececeryly right Let me know your thoughts
  6. Hello everyone, we would like to introduce our latest l2topsite, l2rankzone.com, packed with features and fresh ideas to stand out and replace the familiar but corrupted topsites outhere. Benefit from our rapidly growing traffic and our actively running campaincs on all social media platforms and register promote your server for FREE by claiming or submitting it. Additionally, we offer PAID promotion campaigns, such as PREMIUM membership, RANKS, or BANNERS with prices that starts from 0.5 € per day. Check more on your own at: l2rankzone.com Let's make your server shine, and build a gateway for all l2 players to find their ideal servers. PS: We are open in suggestions and collaborations
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