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Everything posted by Tirnar

  1. WTS for euros or adenas Yul Ghost Sentinel 99 18% Dual othell windrider 97 Account is naked Info: - White elf with rapid shot & rapid fire for 1500 atk spd - 9 AP & 18% - 33 1h vitality potion - 79 immortal scrolls - Active Refresh, Active Reflect and Active Heal as Lifestone - Hellfire talisman - 2 sub lvl 80 - Account also have 96 healer, and 85-87 characters Send me pm with offer or add tirnar76 on skype for more info
  2. WTB Tauti ring Core Server pm here with price skype : tirnar76
  3. WTS Duelist 85 noble with sub titan 85 Vesper hvy +4/+6/+4/+4(found)/+4 BP and found part are elemented Vesper duals +4 with active refresh 215 element Important actives skills are +10 duel 1kkk on the character Discuss about the price on skype (l2mamax) or in pm.
  4. trusted buyer
  5. Adenas - 1kk ~ 0.04€ Stock > 0 Chars - SpH SpS SlH SwM BD EE BP Items : AM 150 Water SA Acumen AM 150 Wind SA Acumen DC sets TTS sets EE is 79 noblesse and has Varka ally lvl5 All are naked and with mail - most of them are 79 noblesse, pm if you want more info. Add tirnar76 on Skype Payment method is Paypal
  6. istina sold, wts lvl94 healer account
  7. sold all adenas, still have necklace to sell
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