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Posts posted by tets

  1. Hi, i'm looking for java developper for our project. Classic chronicles
    I pay before fixes depends the task and its a long term project so many fixes to do during months.
    Usually its simple tasks but i would prefer skilled java developpers.
    I won't take everybody just for some screens, i want quotes if possible from previous customers or high ranked members on this website that can give me advices about them.
    Thank you 

  2. Hi i'm looking for help in creating custom armors.

    I added my armors in an utx file but there are no reflection with the environment light.
    I searched on MCX i found some topic but couldn't realise what they said. I'm trying to create my own UTX file with good properties but my Unreal editor crash everytime at file creation.
    Can you guys help me pls ? 

  3. Hi, i don't know if it's good section sorry by advance.

    I'm looking for client dev or tools/help to add letters with accents in my project.
    I checked in systexture and i don't have L2Font-eu for my version but i have largefont-eu in system but not smallfont-eu.gly only smallfont and smallfont-e.gly.
    This version was buid only for english caracters.
    I tried various changes like add a L2font-eu and smallfont-eu then switch in localization language to eu but it gives me CE at start and some others bullshiets but it doesnt work.
    Do you guys have some advices please ? 

  4. On 8/16/2022 at 12:40 PM, Ave said:

    Bro...I've told You already. Lobby logo, till GoD was in L2Font, but then, they moved it into *.ugx, Depends on chronice, it can be ui4 or ui5, whatever...Just search these! 



    How can i open GFXFlash file ? i'm searching on intenret since 4 hours i downloaded 4 sotware and nothing works can you help me please ? 

    11 hours ago, 911reg said:



    Thx guys, fixed you can close guys ty 

    Solved tnx guys

    • Upvote 1
  5. 7 hours ago, NevesOma said:

    @tets what do you need to replace the old logo with? I can help and share it.

    A Lineage 2 Classic logo like this , transparent plz^^' client is protocol 19 classic 1.0 and this logo ertheia isnt in L2Font-e but i didnt search yet in all utx file its somewhere i guess but idk where



    I just tried this method 

     and its like i can't change the file localization its giving me this CE at start related to a Gfx file  Ava is right so idk 


  6. 20 minutes ago, Ave said:

    You can change this ui4.ux > ui4.logInMenu_I1
    But idk if this is going to actually change the logo in main lobby. You can check.
    If it won't, then it's from usx or unr.

    i tried to open ui4.ugx with extractor but then loginmenu is gfxflash file so its starting to be ... weird 
    i'm pretty sure this ertheia logo is somewhere in utx files but idk where and i can't open them all with software i've got in maxcheater so i'm starting to be salty 

  7. 1 hour ago, KejbL said:

    What client u use ? interlude ?

    for this edit need only photoshop + plugin on dxt (or other soft for convert type logos) and l2tool for repalce basic logo

    btw when u use some custom patch this logo can be save in other files or other name ...

    Classic client. This ertheia logo isn't in L2Font-e so i'm wondering if someone knows where it is ?

  8. 49 minutes ago, Vince* said:


    There you go, i guess they will also guide you on how to put it into the database and textures tho.... 

    Hi, its showing how to change "Lineage II" logo in BG starting window but not "interlude" logo in top right corner of BG starting window but thanks usefull also.


    35 minutes ago, KejbL said:

    L2Font-e.utx and Skins.start_logo-e

    but u must convert logo for l2 type DXT3/DXT5

    Hi, you mean Skins.start_logo-e is in L2Font-e.utx ? i didnt find it. Maybe i need to do a specific action to reach the file ? i'm using tools given in another topic in maxcheater : "how to edit loading screens step by step" 

    There is a topic about that but its not clear, i'm a big newbie in this and this guy had created a whole systexture file, which is totally out of my skill : 

    maybe you can help me with this ? 

  9. 32 minutes ago, JohnBoy13 said:

    Nobody will help you with this attitude...GL

    Ok well i'm sorry. Its just that i dont understand his reaction when i said to him twice this link isnt classic 1.0 but ertheia and hes bullying me whereas he doesnt even test what i said. 

  10. 16 hours ago, Dubxsion said:

    If you find yourself troubled performing basic tasks such as clicking on download links, give up on L2 or computers in general. There's a Classic 1.0 in the forum I posted above, if you can't find it, don't expect someone to spoon feed this to you.

    if you find yourself troubled by understanding that, as i said above, this link isnt classic 1.0 but ertheia, may god save your ego bro. You can try it by yourself and test protocol version, if you know how to do this simple task.


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