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Everything posted by asurada

  1. Hi, anybody know how to use htlm to access blacksmith of mammon? the current help 1.5 works to access trader ty
  2. idiots, heard of big boom? ever tried it? and heard about summoners? think about it
  3. u guys know nothing about powerlevel, then shut up, go to gamishop.com or other powerleveling service and tu can see that they charge u 300 dollars for lvl 1 - 52, im only charging aound 50 dollars for lvl 1 - 52 in teon adena so tyvm and get the fuck outta my thread if ur a complete private server noob
  4. for example, u pay me 1mill after i get u to lvl 15, then 10 mill when i get u to lvl 30, 20mill lvl 40, and so on
  5. im really desperate, posted on many L2 bot forums and nobody answered, this'll be the last time i ask, so does anyone know how to disable the ingame walker Hp viewer? the on thats on the top of ur screen by default.. thx
  6. what do u mean pics? i will ask u for adena bits by bits while i PL u, there is no risk at all
  7. email is msg_teon@hotmail.com not msn, sorry my bad
  8. You must leave a message here before adding me to your MSN which is msg_teon@hotmail.com This PL only applies on Teon and i will PL youmax to level 52, i do not require your account info, all you need to do is follow me and just sit your ass in a corner while i use a method similiar to big boom. You must however be present every 10min or so to update me your level progress. Price is in-game adena, the price for Teon adena currently is 8.40$ on yourvirturalsales. Price can be discussed on MSN, don't worry the price is reasonable and the powerlevel can be done within a day. note: ofcourse you can get PLed from lvl 40 to 48 for example if you want. EDIT: THE EMAIL IS MSG_TEON@HOTMAIL.COM , NOT MSN SRY ABOUT THAT
  9. by using Ingame walker doh...
  10. because fraps records the HP viewer which shows the whole world that im a botter
  11. anybody know how to disable the ingame hp viewer for ingame walker? sometimes i want to take screenshots WITH the enemy on target and i cant make fraps with IGW running, really annoying. help is appreciated
  12. ive tested the pilgrim and the reformer, incomplete i must say and i think u need to add "Test of maestro"(In Progress)" in the script and btw teleporting with the gatekeeper is not possible oh and a few npc dialogues didnt work, other than that the way points were useful (couldnt find dryad/lieiren to kill) id list more but donno if i should ><
  13. Wow, thanks for the effort man! the ones on the prophet were great! now gogo and finish the Test of Reformer one :p
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