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irk last won the day on November 30 2024

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  1. Cheat Engine works on all L2 projects and easily bypasses Smart Guard protection! https://youtu.be/HJ1RBNkupU0 Skype https://join.skype.com/invite/IJdphk4xzOGt
  2. Cheat Engine works on all L2 projects and easily bypasses Smart Guard protection! https://youtu.be/HJ1RBNkupU0 Skype https://join.skype.com/invite/IJdphk4xzOGt
  3. Cheat Engine works on all L2 projects and easily bypasses Smart Guard protection! https://youtu.be/HJ1RBNkupU0 Skype https://join.skype.com/invite/IJdphk4xzOGt
      • 1
      • Haha
  4. I think you need to team up with similar projects that were inspired by yours, https://gitlab.com/shnok/l2-unity/-/tree/main?ref_type=heads
  5. some L2 source code from 2003-2004-2007! https://gyazo.com/1be92cb62cfeccdaabe9f55b8affd284 https://mega.nz/file/1EdDSBqS#ROHQvBihL2REYMBUNZfpqWTQKUXKLmHnWuR_O98YHkU
  6. so as not to suffer with the installation of docker, you can use this paserver C ++ But this program needs to be fixed in this version, entry is carried out with any password! https://mega.nz/file/xFkVzD5B#6TUJIEJGNMQVdNmJdyffP-pWT9cGY95lpbw2mP60HpQ all together for those who can’t find and assemble it to work and continue to write the same thing how to install why it doesn’t work) 162 https://mega.nz/file/lEchDQxY#fySWIHx8HBaNP6GiLiwwk5Ka7n-huOlFI9uqopPsvCo 166 https://mega.nz/file/td1AGRBC#Sjtd6K9O8tcGTvdzZWuNYxF8dhcBnDIibqEBNBunxZo
  7. fixes for 287 auction now you can put up for sale and buy items https://gyazo.com/a8e1d49728854080ac28cdff50649b6e https://gyazo.com/15a0460459f22fc2794739fcf61377c5 https://mega.nz/file/BUNnVbqK#7b7y86B2IzCy5ROYNgoNt8LJJozMK994H_aVEOeO2d4 correctly configured login for 287 https://mega.nz/file/8EExjTTR#7TM_YWj_tAimbJFwGLWEuJAqU4yPT3d-DzS5JJBOotY and procedure SaveBotReportConfirm https://mega.nz/file/VBEVjKxJ#aNYfikOTWqQ6uZdM8KEJC4711cSJZmhEa824PHDM_-A
  8. l2dbfix https://mega.nz/file/4Rc0wCIJ#zJIVL3gWmRWzG_idScRloz-_RCwkrKy4pKxV7qROUFo
  9. proper registration for classic servers -- Create the world id classic version INSERT INTO lin2db.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, kind, port, region) VALUES (101, 'Test2', '', '', 0, 1, 1024, 7777, 0); -- name ip (of your server) GO I think eventually come to one of these versions and stop https://mega.nz/file/1M1z2bzT#VJpqm0-iwtfGmuonLUmR47Zme9YrHEku60BKsqfVB9w By the way, you can thank the likes of the person who was able to keep these Korean client. I spent more than a month looking for his server and I could only find it on the Korean Internet. Most of the clients are clones of 166, but maybe you will find something there and for yourself, it even seems to have lineage
  10. eng rus https://mega.nz/file/xBU31Rza#peOWTBTRl2Kbzht-u9Yg35tGQi_HDw3NFZdlgEgljVY ----------- html https://mega.nz/file/1EdzmRKJ#H8z2ArCIkLjTuoweTQT8RctrzBGbcP86Ps6jCplYpX4 -------- ini https://mega.nz/file/NV0VhLrT#9_DSwZ-6SiDfUr4VI_XsCyxaYtboCY7MEtb53QmKxR4 ---------- base fix https://mega.nz/file/pAVgkLAA#QwJPSK1Ek2AQZgDB9p7-d65-kpS03RaXsOA4Fqn6u2U --------- login work https://mega.nz/file/MYEgUTqQ#AiblN9en25Xlx_zsxzENEFFs-KBKICCVwXBlsRcob94 ------ 162 client clear no gg https://mega.nz/file/BRM1yBCD#1aEzMspEPh1PtyssUNrFf-feJo4YKGdVWTrj-sa1kPI --------- 166 client clear no gg https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S9wnGCiefrFg3eaa0ddg3gzf6ZsLBUP0/view for masochists who want to find some other clientthey can be downloaded from one Korean ftp server. https://gyazo.com/536d270299a73b96393e4090d9c767a8
  11. while you are tormented there with this 287 and rejoice like children that you managed to enter through a third-party extender, I would recommend that you spend your time so that at least someone begins to deal with the fact you launching , have you already seen the scripts folder? itemdata for example? and this scripting problem will be in all versions of the servers the first thing you need to do is start fixing it to fit it to your game client, after which you need to fix the base. I now already have a working 166 with full multilingual client-server, and now I have switched to 162 north and started working on it and everywhere I use the original clients, system files and server files. 166 https://gyazo.com/698242c15d8911a916a4cafb533ebf9d https://gyazo.com/a0e2b74b9ddabba42e25adad824f5e81 ------------------------------------------------------------ 162 https://gyazo.com/b4065772775294e3bcdb5a793c2b6863
  12. I don't remember exactly which script but I used one of these and perfectly removed the protection from Temida Ollydbg https://gyazo.com/a60d9097e34fc353e0d50cbfc3a3325f at the expense of editing file dat just use the patcher from akuma website https://gyazo.com/97bcd4c3048dc50347a2d3a43ebd80ce then https://gyazo.com/ab984d88d41c1efecfc7f8a276a36c12 so there is nothing of value in your alleged distribution price.
  13. these are all Korean customers https://gyazo.com/2662ff349f76993ac909db8d7b2273a6 166 is the version of saviors in Russian localization and the euro taiwan is called differently, the engine there, too, the other will not work without changes for the original server. everything works on original ncsoft files https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73uNkAhFyGki know that you are asking the client 162 166 but tell me what files you will give in return that will really be useful and i will think now installed live version from svn L2_LIVE_LSERVER - CLIENT166 - REVISION 24I didn’t change anything in the client, but I immediately changed the title of the game on login and added this item to character creation https://gyazo.com/0e874f58d330780466a3be28293774e7 https://gyazo.com/e4b066ffcea1a1b37ebd81a8e3e7002f Kamel and Ertea race was also opened https://gyazo.com/15ff03b495e723d6736176c0de1ecd6a
  14. I've finished https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6D-6s8gyFYA https://gyazo.com/9f964f13819c64408bab88e77685186b https://gyazo.com/50c567039cbae283804b110df22ad8a3
  15. https://gyazo.com/cd7af2ca99ef97e61d3445128e14d2c0 Need to define the procedure that is responsible for displaying already created characters in the game lobby!
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