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  1. Please Help Me Thanks
  2. Please Help Me Thanks
  3. I Want Change this QUEST name https://www.mediafire.com/view/2fl5kkxu4mqc5u0/Test.png/file where i can find please and thanks guys Hi5
  4. how i cqan make mini quest ex kill 100 monster x(Id) Reward x Item thanks guys Thanks Maxcheaters.. Hi5 Server
  5. does anyone have one Quest, which when he kills 100 monsters Take Reward item.. but without speak any npc.. like this quest but 100 monsters package l2s.gameserver.scripts.custom; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import l2s.commons.db.DatabaseFactory; import l2s.gameserver.Announcements; import l2s.gameserver.datatables.SkillTable; import l2s.gameserver.model.L2Skill; import l2s.gameserver.model.actor.L2Npc; import l2s.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance; import l2s.gameserver.model.quest.Quest; /** * @author SoFace */ public class SuperMonster extends Quest { // Monsters's ID. private static final int MONSTERS[] = { 12564 }; private static final boolean REWARD_PARTY = false; // Reward party ? private final static boolean REWARD_NOBLE = true; // Give Noblesse ? private final static boolean REWARD_HERO = false; // Give Hero ? private final static int REWARD_HERO_DAYS = -1; // How many days to give the status of Hero ? // 0 - Until relogin. -1 - Forever. private final static boolean REWARD_SKILL = true; // Give Skill ? private final static int REWARD_SKILL_ID = 0; // Skill's ID. private final static int REWARD_SKILL_LVL = 0; // Skill's LvL. private final static boolean REWARD_ITEMS = true; // Give Items ? private final static int REWARD_ITEM_ID = 4037; // Item's ID. private final static int REWARD_ITEM_COUNT = 5; // Count. public SuperMonster() { super(-1, "SuperMonster", "custom"); for (int mobs : MONSTERS) addKillId(mobs); } @Override public String onKill(L2Npc npc, L2PcInstance player, boolean isPet) { L2Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(REWARD_SKILL_ID, REWARD_SKILL_LVL); Announcements.announceToAll("SuperMonster was killed."); if (REWARD_PARTY) { if (player.getParty() != null) { for (L2PcInstance members : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { members.sendMessage("Congratulations ! You killed The SuperMonster !"); if (REWARD_ITEMS) members.addItem("Add", REWARD_ITEM_ID, REWARD_ITEM_COUNT, members, true); if (REWARD_SKILL) members.addSkill(skill, true); if (REWARD_HERO) { if (!player.isHero()) addHero(player, REWARD_HERO_DAYS); else player.sendMessage("You already Hero."); } if (REWARD_NOBLE) { if (!members.isNoble()) members.setNoble(true, true); else members.sendMessage("You already Noblesse."); } members.broadcastUserInfo(); } } else { player.sendMessage("Congratulations ! You killed The SuperMonster !"); if (REWARD_ITEMS) player.addItem("Add", REWARD_ITEM_ID, REWARD_ITEM_COUNT, player, true); if (REWARD_SKILL) player.addSkill(skill, true); if (REWARD_HERO) { if (!player.isHero()) addHero(player, REWARD_HERO_DAYS); else player.sendMessage("You already Hero."); } if (REWARD_NOBLE) { if (!player.isNoble()) player.setNoble(true, true); else player.sendMessage("You already Noblesse."); } player.broadcastUserInfo(); } } else { player.sendMessage("Congratulations ! You killed The SuperMonster !"); if (REWARD_ITEMS) player.addItem("Add", REWARD_ITEM_ID, REWARD_ITEM_COUNT, player, true); if (REWARD_SKILL) player.addSkill(skill, true); if (REWARD_HERO) { if (!player.isHero()) addHero(player, REWARD_HERO_DAYS); else player.sendMessage("You already Hero."); } if (REWARD_NOBLE) { if (!player.isNoble()) player.setNoble(true, true); else player.sendMessage("You already Noblesse."); } player.broadcastUserInfo(); } return null; } private void addHero(L2PcInstance player, int days) { long _heroExpire = 0L; player.setHero(true); player.broadcastUserInfo(); if (days == 0) { _heroExpire = 3L; return; } _heroExpire = (days == -1 ? 1L : System.currentTimeMillis() + TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(days)); try (Connection con = DatabaseFactory.getConnection(); PreparedStatement stm = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE `characters` SET `hero`=? WHERE `obj_Id`=?")) { stm.setLong(1, _heroExpire); stm.setInt(2, player.getObjectId()); stm.execute(); } catch (SQLException e) { _log.warn("[SuperMonster] addHero(days) error: ", e); } } public static void main(String args[]) { new SuperMonster(); } }
  6. Please Someone Help Me I Want make pvp system 100 pvp kills take adena count 1.000.000 200 pvp kills Blue Eva Count 1000 300 pvp kills Silver count 100000 i know how to make it but, i cant make it with short config like this config 100,57,1.000.000;200,4355,1000;300,4357,100000; short config pvp system
  7. Hi5 pack Hi5
  8. Maybe just give some code bcs I don’t understand->
  9. Hallo guys who know how to make chat party and global need adena and gold coin for use it.. thanks Max
  10. Kapoios re paidia please
  11. Νο one can help?? Kapoios re paidia please
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