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Everything posted by goku28

  1. Hi, I've got good news for you! I introduce you a new Gracia Final server with mid rates, and off files. We started about a week ago and our online is something about 150-200 players per day. Join us: Elmoreden is a new project we build into the Lineage II private server world. Our goal is to provide a nice and relaxing place for having fun. The team behind is experienced with various succesful servers currently active. We do not target to make a money making machine neither collapse after a couple of months. We are here to stay and we know how. Server started open beta testing today, August 1st 2011 and will go live by September. We know that one month is a lot of time, but there are many things to do, and most of all, listen to our players. Our forums are open for you to join anytime and speak your opinion and be sure, we will listen carefuly and consider your wills. Even if you have nothing to add for now, just register so we can anytime update you for the progress of our server. Full working, bugless Gracia Final (l2off) platform. All the modifications are stated bellow, if something is not there, then its retail. Rates: Exp/ Sp/ Adena: x10 Drop chance: x10 Spoil chance: x5 Spoil amount: x5 Boss Adena/ Exp/ Sp: x10 Boss Drop chance: x1 Quest Exp/ Sp/ Adena rewards: x10 Enchancements: .online – shows online player amount. .expon and .expoff – to turn on and off exp gaining when killing mobs, etc. .time – to show server date and time (server time is on UTC). .offannounce msg - to set what your store will announce (every 20 minutes) when its offline auto pick-up - picks up items from mobs in 1000 range. Offline Shop System: Make a private store and right click your adena inside your invetory. Hardware: CPU: Intel Xeon i7 W3520 - 4×2(HT)x2.66+ GHz - 8 Mb L2 – QPI 4.8 GT/sec - Turbo Boost Technology @ 2.93GHz RAM: 24 GB DDR3 Hard Drives: 2x 40 GB Intel SSD 320 + 2x 2 TB SATA2 Switch Port: 1 Gbps Bandwidth: 1 Gbps Frequently Asked Questions: Q: Do you allow walker/ botting? A: No. Q: Will be any donation rewards? A: In the future there will be donation rewards like Hats, Masks and highly possible for class quests. Website: http://elmoreden.com/ Forums: http://forums.elmoreden.com/ We've got lots of helping events, good for those who started to play here!! Meet us in game and GL!
  2. Ok so first of all u need dyes that reduce your HP f.e. -9 CON, then u need demon set(full with gloves:P), doom set, SOES+BTB,Cursed dagger+risk.Haste,Homu+conversion, weapon with health, and one POLE to reduce (from 1 hit) your HP to 30% by using EarthQuake. If I missed something then I'm sorry cause I tried it only 2 times:/ Oh and I don't know the sequence of using this stuff so u probably must try this on your own :p Better ask someone in game(maybe other titan from Oly) what u must use step by step to reduce your HP:) If u have better answer for his question just stick it up here:P Have a good fun with this sh*t :P
  3. L2Roxy were finally hacked by some russian hackers and I don't know how...Maybe someone got a clue about this weird situation? Anyway I wanna know how did they hack the server with a strong GameGuard and do this again and again after 2 rollbacks://// I think soon the server will wipe and about 3/4 of the server will leave to another:/ Maybe someone from this forum is responsible for this strange situation? If they hacked Roxy they will hack Abbys and Dex too so keep preapare... Hehehe and one more thing.... If it got wiped maybe some of you will show me a little help about how to exp fast to lvl 80?:P I really don't have many post to see many of your exploits:/
  4. Well honestly I tried to find something at this forum but I couldn't see many of these solution because (as u can see) I got only 1 post now:p I know the rule is simple - u must post or donate to get the solution:P That's why I wrote here cause I need some help right now:p I hoped this thread was made for ppl like me...If not, just tell me:P Or send some files or other kind of help on my pm :) Anyway thx for greetings:p I hope this forum would really help me cause I got some problems with accounts, and that's why I need for example L2Brute:P If I made a mistake just lock this topic or warn me :)
  5. I'm new one on this forum so I will quick post here what's going on! I need some stuff to run l2phx or L2Brute on FrienzL2. Maybe u know some nice exploits here to make my life there more easy:))) I hope some ppl from this forum playing there and will help me :) BTW if the information are secret PM me :p Thx
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