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TravorJ last won the day on November 14 2024

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About TravorJ

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  1. the only true shit which you said was this: "no ppl could stop him"
  2. yes im trying to cheat thats why there are servers with 1k+ online with my extender/support atm.
  3. Even on that, the purpose of this project is to have interlude on classic. Don't forget that most of the community don't want classic but they want clean interlude. So i used the newer client which is more optimized on current VGA Graphics and added all client side functions from it which are not affecting the gameplay. Cause the purpose was that exactly, to have an interlude on classic client nothing more nothing else. Also, i added functions like PrimeShop/VIP System/Auction House/Mail System/Debuffs from Target/Shift+Click on buffs/Items on Chat/new GUI on shops/New Party Functions and etc.. which are features which lack from interlude client. This project is exactly what i was planning to do, give interlude community something fresh and updated. In your side you are talking about KR Classic files which is fine but it is totally different story of this project. Note: I'm still selling this crappy shit (:P) Pm me if you interesting Peace!
  4. Man chill, i don't care if you will sell a similar product or something. I never been offensive to your files. You try to bring attention on you, in matter of fact you keep doing again and again and again in all over the forums. just chill i hope to create better server than me, i don't care cause i clearly mind my own business. I am not wander left or right every day accusing other peoples files in order to get attention. From my point of view i see you atm like someone who want to destroy my files credibility in order to gain something from this, if this wasn't your goal then why you posted here? O.o Peace!
  5. I don't care about what happened between you and skylord&zoumhs. But files are not crap. these which shared is a good base for someone who has knowledge and willing to continue the project. Also for those without knowledge can contact with me and buy the last rev. None is care if you have classic files or not. Don't be an attention whore. Chill.... Peace!
  6. its against my policy sorry mate, you got use the proper way. btw, i don't need your info cause i have fixed them already. >.< So......
  7. For you i can do good price Pm me
  8. If anyone interesting into latest stable version, i'm still here guyz These files which are shared are way behind from my latest release. Peace!
  9. True, thats why you literally begged to resell my work to get some bucks. Btw, why you still talking about me everywhere? If i am a rat why you keep dealing with me? You are in love with me or something?
  10. @SkyLord wow man chill! You have some serious issues dude. You are angry that you cannot make a server with over 20 people. I underatand you.... Its time to move on from l2 you are 35 years old. Get a life PS: I stopped working for your updates cause you reselled them.
  11. You are absolute right my friend. These people are clowns. Thats why i am changing my plans and selling compiled versions of my extender only. And working directly with developers of each server. If everyone want stable classic interlude pm me As i said, my extender getting updated constantly. Its a non stop work.
  12. You didn't get them cause you are the reason that this thread exists. LMAO I'm the original creator, rolf.
  13. For everyone who want the latest stable sources, send me a pm! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have the following fixed: - Lottery System - Fishing System - SSQ System - Fishing System - Relation Fixes (When you flag auto attack and when you have karma auto attack bugs) - Attack Male System Fixed! (On close affect skills when you running though the target it gives you - out of range error) - Soulshot/Spiritshot Effects when attacking - Cached Fix for LogD Server - Spoil Packet Fix New Systems: - AutoFarm - Raidboss Status on Map Coming Up Next Update: - Achievements System Added from other shared Packs: - Mulisell Reload - Admin Panel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PS: This version contains bug on Mail System - Beware Peace!
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