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Everything posted by Orfez

  1. Hi. I have custom quests and I want to add quest icons to NPCs that indicate that they have a quest to give. Looks like npcgrp.dat file contains info about what quests NPC deals with . Example for one of the very first NPCs that you meat in the game, Theodore (id 32975): quest={{10339;1};{10320;-1};{10321;1}} This NPC begins quests with IDs 10339 and 10321 and finishes a quest with ID 10320. I've been trying to add my own quest IDs in the same fashion but they don't work. If I add exactly the same line of quests to another NPC then that NPC will have a quest icon. The problem seems that it doesn't recognize new quest IDs. Quest work fine, but I can't figure out why quest icons won't show up. Jut wondering if anyone knows how to solve this or has nay ideas.
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