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Everything posted by DarkAngel_666

  1. same problem here ... i turned A-V and firewall off ... but still no l2.exe :S pls help
  2. create portals is easy ...
  3. 1) Rates : XP: 20 SP: 20 Party XP: 1.5 Party SP: 1.5 Drop: 5 Spoil: 20 Adena: 40 http://www.l2-elfaron.de.vu/ No GM Shop No Custom Buffer No Global Gatekeeper No Donations No Overpowered Player No Boring Game GMs do all, to fight against the boring. You will only have fun in Game, cause GMs make many Events, you get good items by fishing (recipes etc.), Server have a Friendly Community, friendly GMs. The Server changed some places (LOA made easyer, TOI made stronger, Forgotten Temple made strong and more). There are too many great things... i can´t tell all here... come log in and start playing Lineage 2 !
  4. wich section i need to post? pls move this thread
  5. How can i make L2j Rebirth System?
  6. Hi, can some1 give me a Interlude File edit? download link pls
  8. emm.. but people need to put an ip into host.. but in host u cant write adadhp.servegame.com they need to write numbers... need they??
  9. where to put lineageeffectstextures.utx-Etc.fx_m_t0144.DDS file???
  10. How can i change the texts and names of items??
  11. Hi, i need a System, wich people can download and change host automaticly when they start it
  12. is it allowed to make new enchant colors?
  13. Hi, i have a Dynamic IP :( so.. maybe some1 can help me to make a Connector wich look like the Real Window (where i can say Check Files....) so when people click connect, thatl they CConnect to my Server... i hope some1 can help me
  14. can some1 give me a link to Download pack? or a link to the HomePage? then i search self... pls i want a Faction Server..
  15. what u want to say me with this?
  16. Sorry, when im in wrong Topic... im new here Hi, can some1 give me a Bot for HellBound Version?? and.. what do the Bots (never had any 1)
  17. Hi, i dont know, if i am in th right Topic (when not im sorry) but.. how can i make my own WoW TBC Server??
  18. Hi, i have some simple questions 1) how can i change Item Texts ? (withour change System Folder when i can make) when not, how to with System Folder 2) how can i make new Items? like Crystal S Grade (with other name, text, maybe a Buffer effect[where people can buff]) 3) how can i change enchant rate (1 Scroll = +1 Enchant) but how can i make (1Scroll = 100 Enchant) ?? i hope you can help me
  19. i dont know what i must do... 1) Download and then?? pls hep me and what can i do with this??
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