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  1. To npc einai auto pou exei hdh mesa ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ L2GrandBossInstance.java package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance; import com.l2jfrozen.Config; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers.GrandBossManager; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers.RaidBossPointsManager; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Summon; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.spawn.L2Spawn; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.network.serverpackets.SystemMessage; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.thread.ThreadPoolManager; import com.l2jfrozen.util.random.Rnd; /** * This class manages all Grand Bosses. * @version $Revision: $ $Date: 2006/06/16 $ */ public final class L2GrandBossInstance extends L2MonsterInstance { private static final int BOSS_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL = 20000; /** * Constructor for L2GrandBossInstance. This represent all grandbosses. * @param objectId ID of the instance * @param template L2NpcTemplate of the instance */ public L2GrandBossInstance(final int objectId, final L2NpcTemplate template) { super(objectId, template); } @Override protected int getMaintenanceInterval() { return BOSS_MAINTENANCE_INTERVAL; } @Override public boolean doDie(final L2Character killer) { if (!super.doDie(killer)) return false; L2PcInstance player = null; if (killer instanceof L2PcInstance) player = (L2PcInstance) killer; else if (killer instanceof L2Summon) player = ((L2Summon) killer).getOwner(); if (player != null) { SystemMessage msg = new SystemMessage(SystemMessageId.RAID_WAS_SUCCESSFUL); broadcastPacket(msg); msg = null; if (player.getParty() != null) { for (final L2PcInstance member : player.getParty().getPartyMembers()) { RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(member, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); } } else RaidBossPointsManager.addPoints(player, getNpcId(), (getLevel() / 2) + Rnd.get(-5, 5)); } return true; } @Override public void onSpawn() { super.onSpawn(); if (!this.getSpawn().is_customBossInstance()) GrandBossManager.getInstance().addBoss(this); } @Override protected void manageMinions() { _minionList.spawnMinions(); _minionMaintainTask = ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleGeneralAtFixedRate(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // Teleport raid boss home if it's too far from home location final L2Spawn bossSpawn = getSpawn(); int rb_lock_range = Config.RBLOCKRAGE; if (Config.RBS_SPECIFIC_LOCK_RAGE.get(bossSpawn.getNpcid()) != null) { rb_lock_range = Config.RBS_SPECIFIC_LOCK_RAGE.get(bossSpawn.getNpcid()); } if (rb_lock_range >= 100 && !isInsideRadius(bossSpawn.getLocx(), bossSpawn.getLocy(), bossSpawn.getLocz(), rb_lock_range, true, false)) { teleToLocation(bossSpawn.getLocx(), bossSpawn.getLocy(), bossSpawn.getLocz(), true); // healFull(); // Prevents minor exploiting with it } _minionList.maintainMinions(); } }, 60000, getMaintenanceInterval()); } @Override public boolean isRaid() { return true; } public void healFull() { super.setCurrentHp(super.getMaxHp()); super.setCurrentMp(super.getMaxMp()); } } ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /*GrandBossManager.java*/ package com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.managers; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import com.l2jfrozen.Config; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.datatables.sql.NpcTable; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Character; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.L2Object; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2GrandBossInstance; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.model.zone.type.L2BossZone; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.L2NpcTemplate; import com.l2jfrozen.gameserver.templates.StatsSet; import com.l2jfrozen.util.CloseUtil; import com.l2jfrozen.util.database.DatabaseUtils; import com.l2jfrozen.util.database.L2DatabaseFactory; /** * This class handles all Grand Bosses: * <ul> * <li>22215-22217 Tyrannosaurus</li> * <li>25333-25338 Anakazel</li> * <li>29001 Queen Ant</li> * <li>29006 Core</li> * <li>29014 Orfen</li> * <li>29019 Antharas</li> * <li>29020 Baium</li> * <li>29022 Zaken</li> * <li>29028 Valakas</li> * <li>29045 Frintezza</li> * <li>29046-29047 Scarlet van Halisha</li> * </ul> * It handles the saving of hp, mp, location, and status of all Grand Bosses. It also manages the zones associated with the Grand Bosses. NOTE: The current version does NOT spawn the Grand Bosses, it just stores and retrieves the values on reboot/startup, for AI scripts to utilize as needed. * @author DaRkRaGe Revised by Emperorc */ public class GrandBossManager { protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(GrandBossManager.class); private static final String DELETE_GRAND_BOSS_LIST = "DELETE FROM grandboss_list"; private static final String INSERT_GRAND_BOSS_LIST = "INSERT INTO grandboss_list (player_id,zone) VALUES (?,?)"; private static final String UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA = "UPDATE grandboss_data set loc_x = ?, loc_y = ?, loc_z = ?, heading = ?, respawn_time = ?, currentHP = ?, currentMP = ?, status = ? where boss_id = ?"; private static final String UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA2 = "UPDATE grandboss_data set status = ? where boss_id = ?"; private static GrandBossManager _instance; protected static Map<Integer, L2GrandBossInstance> _bosses; protected static Map<Integer, StatsSet> _storedInfo; private Map<Integer, Integer> _bossStatus; private List<L2BossZone> _zones; public static GrandBossManager getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { LOGGER.info("Initializing GrandBossManager"); _instance = new GrandBossManager(); } return _instance; } public GrandBossManager() { init(); } private void init() { _zones = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>(); _bosses = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); _storedInfo = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); _bossStatus = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(false); final PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from grandboss_data ORDER BY boss_id"); final ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while (rset.next()) { // Read all info from DB, and store it for AI to read and decide what to do // faster than accessing DB in real time StatsSet info = new StatsSet(); final int bossId = rset.getInt("boss_id"); info.set("loc_x", rset.getInt("loc_x")); info.set("loc_y", rset.getInt("loc_y")); info.set("loc_z", rset.getInt("loc_z")); info.set("heading", rset.getInt("heading")); info.set("respawn_time", rset.getLong("respawn_time")); final double HP = rset.getDouble("currentHP"); // jython doesn't recognize doubles final int true_HP = (int) HP; // so use java's ability to type cast info.set("currentHP", true_HP); // to convert double to int final double MP = rset.getDouble("currentMP"); final int true_MP = (int) MP; info.set("currentMP", true_MP); _bossStatus.put(bossId, rset.getInt("status")); _storedInfo.put(bossId, info); info = null; } LOGGER.info("GrandBossManager: Loaded " + _storedInfo.size() + " Instances"); DatabaseUtils.close(rset); DatabaseUtils.close(statement); } catch (final SQLException e) { if (Config.ENABLE_ALL_EXCEPTIONS) e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager: Could not load grandboss_data table"); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { CloseUtil.close(con); } } public void initZones() { if (_zones == null) { LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager: Could not read Grand Boss zone data"); return; } final Map<Integer, List<Integer>> zones = new ConcurrentHashMap<>(); for (final L2BossZone zone : _zones) { if (zone == null) { continue; } zones.put(zone.getId(), new CopyOnWriteArrayList<Integer>()); } Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(false); final PreparedStatement statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * from grandboss_list ORDER BY player_id"); final ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(); while (rset.next()) { zones.get(rset.getInt("zone")).add(rset.getInt("player_id")); } DatabaseUtils.close(rset); DatabaseUtils.close(statement); LOGGER.info("GrandBossManager: Initialized " + _zones.size() + " Grand Boss Zones"); } catch (final SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager: Could not load grandboss_list table"); if (Config.ENABLE_ALL_EXCEPTIONS) e.printStackTrace(); } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { CloseUtil.close(con); } for (final L2BossZone zone : _zones) { if (zone == null) { continue; } zone.setAllowedPlayers(zones.get(zone.getId())); } zones.clear(); } public void addZone(final L2BossZone zone) { if (_zones != null) { _zones.add(zone); } } public final L2BossZone getZone(final L2Character character) { if (_zones != null) { for (final L2BossZone temp : _zones) { if (temp.isCharacterInZone(character)) return temp; } } return null; } public final L2BossZone getZone(final int x, final int y, final int z) { if (_zones != null) { for (final L2BossZone temp : _zones) { if (temp.isInsideZone(x, y, z)) return temp; } } return null; } public boolean checkIfInZone(final String zoneType, final L2Object obj) { final L2BossZone temp = getZone(obj.getX(), obj.getY(), obj.getZ()); if (temp == null) return false; return temp.getZoneName().equalsIgnoreCase(zoneType); } /* * The rest */ public Integer getBossStatus(final int bossId) { return _bossStatus.get(bossId); } /* * public void setBossStatus(int bossId, int status) { _bossStatus.remove(bossId); _bossStatus.put(bossId, status); } */ public void setBossStatus(final int bossId, final int status) { _bossStatus.put(bossId, status); LOGGER.info(getClass().getSimpleName() + ": Updated " + NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(bossId).getName() + "(" + bossId + ") status to " + status); updateDb(bossId, true); } public void addBoss(final L2GrandBossInstance boss) { if (boss != null) { _bosses.put(boss.getNpcId(), boss); } } public L2GrandBossInstance getBoss(final int bossId) { return _bosses.get(bossId); } public L2GrandBossInstance deleteBoss(final int bossId) { return _bosses.remove(bossId); } public StatsSet getStatsSet(final int bossId) { return _storedInfo.get(bossId); } public void setStatsSet(final int bossId, final StatsSet info) { if (_storedInfo.containsKey(bossId)) { _storedInfo.remove(bossId); } _storedInfo.put(bossId, info); // Update immediately status in Database. fastStoreToDb(); } private void fastStoreToDb() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(false); for (final Integer bossId : _storedInfo.keySet()) { final L2GrandBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(bossId); final StatsSet info = _storedInfo.get(bossId); if (boss == null || info == null) { final PreparedStatement update2 = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA2); update2.setInt(1, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); update2.setInt(2, bossId); update2.executeUpdate(); update2.close(); } else { final PreparedStatement update1 = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA); update1.setInt(1, boss.getX()); update1.setInt(2, boss.getY()); update1.setInt(3, boss.getZ()); update1.setInt(4, boss.getHeading()); update1.setLong(5, info.getLong("respawn_time")); double hp = boss.getCurrentHp(); double mp = boss.getCurrentMp(); if (boss.isDead()) { hp = boss.getMaxHp(); mp = boss.getMaxMp(); } update1.setDouble(6, hp); update1.setDouble(7, mp); update1.setInt(8, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); update1.setInt(9, bossId); update1.executeUpdate(); update1.close(); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { if (Config.ENABLE_ALL_EXCEPTIONS) e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager[fastStoreToDb]: Couldn't store grandbosses to database:" + e); } finally { CloseUtil.close(con); } } private void storeToDb() { Connection con = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(false); final PreparedStatement delete = con.prepareStatement(DELETE_GRAND_BOSS_LIST); delete.executeUpdate(); delete.close(); for (final L2BossZone zone : _zones) { if (zone == null) { continue; } final Integer id = zone.getId(); final List<Integer> list = zone.getAllowedPlayers(); if (list == null || list.isEmpty()) { continue; } for (final Integer player : list) { final PreparedStatement insert = con.prepareStatement(INSERT_GRAND_BOSS_LIST); insert.setInt(1, player); insert.setInt(2, id); insert.executeUpdate(); insert.close(); } } for (final Integer bossId : _storedInfo.keySet()) { final L2GrandBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(bossId); final StatsSet info = _storedInfo.get(bossId); if (boss == null || info == null) { final PreparedStatement update2 = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA2); update2.setInt(1, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); update2.setInt(2, bossId); update2.executeUpdate(); update2.close(); } else { final PreparedStatement update1 = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA); update1.setInt(1, boss.getX()); update1.setInt(2, boss.getY()); update1.setInt(3, boss.getZ()); update1.setInt(4, boss.getHeading()); update1.setLong(5, info.getLong("respawn_time")); double hp = boss.getCurrentHp(); double mp = boss.getCurrentMp(); if (boss.isDead()) { hp = boss.getMaxHp(); mp = boss.getMaxMp(); } update1.setDouble(6, hp); update1.setDouble(7, mp); update1.setInt(8, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); update1.setInt(9, bossId); update1.executeUpdate(); update1.close(); } } } catch (final SQLException e) { if (Config.ENABLE_ALL_EXCEPTIONS) e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager: Couldn't store grandbosses to database:" + e); } finally { CloseUtil.close(con); } } private void updateDb(final int bossId, final boolean statusOnly) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { con = L2DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); final L2GrandBossInstance boss = _bosses.get(bossId); final StatsSet info = _storedInfo.get(bossId); if (statusOnly || boss == null || info == null) { statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA2); statement.setInt(1, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); statement.setInt(2, bossId); } else { statement = con.prepareStatement(UPDATE_GRAND_BOSS_DATA); statement.setInt(1, boss.getX()); statement.setInt(2, boss.getY()); statement.setInt(3, boss.getZ()); statement.setInt(4, boss.getHeading()); statement.setLong(5, info.getLong("respawn_time")); double hp = boss.getCurrentHp(); double mp = boss.getCurrentMp(); if (boss.isDead()) { hp = boss.getMaxHp(); mp = boss.getMaxMp(); } statement.setDouble(6, hp); statement.setDouble(7, mp); statement.setInt(8, _bossStatus.get(bossId)); statement.setInt(9, bossId); } statement.executeUpdate(); DatabaseUtils.close(statement); } catch (final SQLException e) { LOGGER.warn("GrandBossManager: Couldn't update grandbosses to database:" + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { L2DatabaseFactory.close(con); } } /** * Saves all Grand Boss info and then clears all info from memory, including all schedules. */ public void cleanUp() { storeToDb(); _bosses.clear(); _storedInfo.clear(); _bossStatus.clear(); _zones.clear(); } public L2NpcTemplate getValidTemplate(final int bossId) { final L2NpcTemplate template = NpcTable.getInstance().getTemplate(bossId); if (template == null) return null; if (!template.type.equalsIgnoreCase("L2GrandBoss")) return null; return template; } public boolean isDefined(final int bossId) // into database { return _bossStatus.get(bossId) != null; } }
  2. ta id apo ta grandboss ta kserw ta grafei sto boss.properties sta config. To thema einai oti apo mono tou eixe ola ta boss ektos valakas,antharas,frintezza. Ta ekana spawn sta area tous opws kanw spawn alla mob. Gia paradeigma ama kanw kill to valakas kai to zaken kai ta duo lene oti vgenoun se mia wra opws to exw valei. Alla ama kanw restart ton server to valakas ksana kanei spawn xwris na perasei h wra enw to zaken sinexizei na metraei to respawn time.
  3. Γεια σας, τελευταίες μέρες έχω κατεβάσει τα files από frozen έχω κάνει όλες τις αλλαγές που θέλω και τα npc στο server αλλά έχω ένα θέμα με τα grand boss. Από μόνο του είχε είδη όλα τα boss εκτός valakas,antharas. Άμα τα κάνω spawn στο area και το αποθηκεύσω στο costum_spawnlist table δουλεύει αλλά έχει θέμα με το grandboss manager. Αν το κάνεις kill εξακολουθεί να λέει είναι alive. Μπορεί να βοηθήσει κάποιος;
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