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Everything posted by sebamed

  1. Yeah, state of H5 servers (PvP and Pve/craft) is kinda bad... There were l2Devil, Edge, Rampage.... Even the mid rate servers as LIONNA, RAMONA (admins fcked up lionna so they oppened this one, aslo i see another their server comming L2ERA...sooo bad dont even try to play it)... I am currently on L2Midgard (opened few days ago) and its rly nice server (farming and fishing to get top items), but it needs players... Incoming new big project i am looking to visit is the Saga x50 where its expected huuuge online (few thousands)... PS: im not promoting any of these servers, im just a regular guy looking for decent server. Cheers!
  2. Hello, so im not paid to sponsor or anything, just wanted to share a srv. Its about the old and LEGENDARY l2 Pride. Server is coming back with the name L2 Naia Chronicle, but this time as H5. As i got a chance to test it out in beta stage, i was rly supprised that it is actually rly nice. Out of respect or the old l2 pride projects that were popular, i just wanted to share and invite old l2pride people to give a chance to the new one. L2 Pride (to me) was always the server that had different approach to L2 pvp and pve and thats why im writing this. Cheers! https://l2naia.club/
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