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Posts posted by katcio

  1. On 10/4/2019 at 10:16 PM, Celestine said:

    few things about the server it was very enojayble to play there but after everyone got full gear Mages/Archers got 15k HP 10K CP 

    archers like hiting 3,5k mages do 400 Normal 1,2k MC Crit with Gloom / Vort / Surrender another fact Auto Noblesse u never lose buffs in any battle zone pvp is endless people playing with two parties with 3 bps u can't self them so they port to town and rebuff idk server was nice we even donated as a CP but admin dont like to listen to us to fix the server thats all


    + After Ressurection u get Full HP/CP which is pointless anyways had enough fun!


    Good luck !


    bassicly that what u said apo cp hp its at end game with  a hat on you. archers x2 might hit me with 2.7k and i do average 750 and 3k mc at x2 empo soo its pretty balanced.


    i agree with u about bp and noblesse but thats fixed today he got 2bp per pt max + now u dont have auto noblesse :)


    have fun

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