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    United States

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  1. I wasn't in Inimical, I just played with you guys, in an ally clan. Sorry if I confused that. I had a toon there named Valcrur, you likely don't remember as it was many years ago. I think your former clan member got it confused and assumed I was in your actual clan. Probably should proof-read what I write. BTW SERVER IS LIVE!
  2. Thanks! look forward to seeing you there.
  3. Don't fucking advertise on my server's forums again. Douche.
  4. Thanks Axe, I look forward to seeing everyone there.
  5. I played on Enraged with Inimical, I remember Exodus as well, as I stated in an original post, I am not the original owner, Aeon imo was inept at what he did and asked the players for their money and always threatened to pull the plug if he didn't get his way. No, my partner and myself are not the original owners, but are some of the original players. ^_^
  6. Good luck with this.
  7. I definitely understand where you're coming from, but buffers (mainly WC) are still a vital part of any L2 party, which is why I want everything tested. It's the reason after a long work week, I jump into the files to tweak and fix things. Origins has been a HUGE help in this, he has found a majority of the bugs that need to be fixed so far. NEW WEBSITE DESIGNED BY AXE and CODED by FALCON - THANKS GUYS!
  8. Then people wouldn't be able to test the buffer classes, I thought long and hard about it. And decided against it, I want everything to be right, so if any bugs are encountered they can be fixed before launch. There are a few skills that need to be tweaked. It's pretty much the same reason why I didn't put in enchant scrolls and such. I may add a buffer a few days toward the end of OB though.
  9. Awesome look forward to seeing you and all the other players there.
  10. We are working on expanding that, steadily advertising the server to get more people. Going into more of an open beta phase with 1000x rates for people to test stuff quicker within the hour.
  11. Tried at 5x no one wanted Gracia Epi at 5x. Thanks though!
  12. VIDEO: SPECIAL THANKS TO [ORIGINS] Official Links to Us: http://l2enraged.com/forum https://www.facebook.com/l2enraged https://twitter.com/l2enraged Schedule: Currently in semi closed / open beta, what this means is anyone can create an account and test the server. CB rates will be 15x - CB will run until Agust 11th Open Beta rates will be increased to 1000x just for the hell of it, this will allow you to do some last minute tests to decide on which classes you want to use Official Launch will be August 24th. Enraged Rates: XP: 15x QUEST XP: 5x SP: 15x ADENA: Undecided [in discussions] QUEST ADENA: 5x QUEST DROP: 5x (certain quests) SEALSTONES: 15x ADENA DROP RATE: 70% DROP: 10x RAID AND EPICS: 2x chance only!S SPOIL: MATERIALS: 10x amount, 1x chance ETC: 10x chance, 1x amount PARTY EXP: RETAIL (from 30 to 72%) FISHING: 5x Proof of catching a Fish rewards FILES: PLATFORM: Gracia Epilogue[OFF] We have been working on editing certain scripts ourselves but are open to more suggestions in our forums. (Such as which quests should have boosted rates) All Quests Work (That we have tested, which is why we need you) All Skills Work (Again see above) Geodata Full ( no bugs found yet ) Shadow Items Cursed Weapons (Will be disabled for the first week of server start) Epilogue Mail System (replaces freight completely) Hero Skills Offline Shop System (You can activate this by setting up your shop and right clicking your adena in your inventory) Working Vitality System Client/Server side protection system checking client version and preventing dualboxing and hacking Antibot Protection (SmartGuard) - Yes we are aware of certain weaknesses within SG - such as Adrenaline, but our extremely ACTIVE GM TEAM will find and will ban all bots. BOXING POLICY: Maximum amount of characters that can be in game from one computer, at the same time is limited to three. 3 live + 1 offline shop, 2 live, 1 buy + 1 sell shop. Etc. Retail Events (Every three months, we will have official server events, every day there will be a GM event or two) Class I & Class II & Class III all buyable for adena at Class Manager SIA GM Events ( Hide and Seek, Trivia, Clan Tournaments etc ) Friendly Active Administration (Don't believe us? Check the forums) Autoloot On, can be disabled with the following command .autoloot off Server Hardware and DDoS Protection: CPU: Intel Xeon E5-1620v2 Cores/threads: 4/8t Frequency/burst: 3,7 GHz+/3,9 GHz+ Intel Smart Cache: 10 MB RAM: 64 GB DDR3 ECC 1600MHz Disks: 3x 300GB SSD DDoS Protection: Up to 800 Gbps ( Germany, Russia, France ) Multi-Proxy configuration: to help assist with any potential DDoS attacks.
  13. Anytime, Good luck to you.
  14. I'm looking feel free to apply on our forums. You can find my preview post in the preview section.
  15. Apparently people would rather throw away their money on some throw away server that dies within a month. And then complains when that same damn server owners opens up another "donations plox server", this vicious cycle will continue until people say enough is a fucking nuff. There are still those of us who believe that Lineage 2 is a good game. And those of us that still want to make a server for people to enjoy and not be all about the money. Right now I can name only one new one (One that I am starting) and an old one, RaidFight. As I stated in my preview, I could not care less about donations, sadly though it seems people would rather play on a server that is going to last a month, wipe and close it's doors once the money runs dry only to open again under another name to start anew. You know what people say, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't force it to drink. Just my two cents.
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