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About fishfoodfan

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    United States

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  1. please close this thread https://maxcheaters.com/profile/136716-ancientcore/ did not scam the scammer is using this persons maxcheaters but https://maxcheaters.com/profile/136716-ancientcore/ is not the scammer sorry for the confusion
  2. hello i am reporting https://maxcheaters.com/profile/136716-ancientcore/ basically this guy says he will sell accoutns very cheap, once you send him the $$ he will log of or just wont respond he is in the pufa discord and also uses a fake middleman his paypal is feohrobka@o2.pl his discord is Ancient#7963 here are some pictures of other reporting him on pufas discord i saw he was not banned on max cheaters so please ban him thank you. Also if u have been scammed by him please message me so i can help you get your money back
  3. TALKING ISLAND TI WTS BH 52 12kk 40usd TH 53 12kk 40usd AW 52 12kk 40 usd HE 51 10kk 30usd SWS 50 10kk 30usd pm if interested will trade any for a BD 52+ thanks pm me here i have discord and skype paypal
  4. bought an account used pufa as middle man went smooth and was great!
  5. WTS 20 mil TALKING ISLAND SERVER 7$ a mil paypal pm me here
  6. hello reporting sellerz https://maxcheaters.com/profile/179366-sellerz/ skype is rddvmhere uses paypals avatarofw033@gmail.com igor@katerinich.com https://imgur.com/QvYNEhm https://imgur.com/3Gs59cu so basically this guy said to make an adena order so the price will be a bit cheaper. i made the order for 65$ and he then made excuses on why he could never give me the adena... such a loser says he has a problem with family i wish the worse on him and his family Him telling me he does want to get banned lol and trying to get me to give him more $$ https://imgur.com/4uJAFaA this is the money i sent him for his "preorder" https://imgur.com/FPGpbAV convo of him telling me about his preorder https://imgur.com/myyoJax first excuse https://imgur.com/TGFNwyZ second excuse https://imgur.com/5Pyo46h third... i prob should have got the hint lol https://imgur.com/NbdtOqk more excuses https://imgur.com/eVKHVif more https://imgur.com/xufCFHR https://imgur.com/s38vrOC This is the last thing he said https://imgur.com/KGv29vA please ban this guy there is also more people reporting him but they are not doing it in the right section.
  7. WTS or WTT BISHOP 55 its not 56 female for EE same lvl (TALKING ISLAND) 110usd pm me here thanks
  8. no its ok im already being helped my credit card company is very good :D
  9. luckily my CC company is helping me :D
  10. ? as someone who is going to be selling a service here he should be able to click the refund button and send me the correct amount. This is indeed a scam lol
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