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Posts posted by @Vice

  1. Paizw sto FiveM server Greek Mafia 1 edw kai ena diastima ligwn minwn.

    To post den einai gia diafimisi tou server, alla na doume an yparxei kosmos pou paizei se auto to server, apo auto to community 😄

    O server einai ON edw kai 1 xrono kai 2-3 vdomades, pou apo mono tou auto, ton kanei polu aksiopisto.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 14 hours ago, InTheEndॐ said:

    You can’t get any of those Files for sure,be aware not getting scammed.

    Why not? there are plenty of free shares and even here 2 shares of files which were live RP servers.

    I think they can sell in a decent price even with outdated updates.

    I don't wanna waste time to start from scratch

  3. Hello there, i want to buy files for GTA V RP. The files i need, i want to check them on any online greek server which is live now, so i am buying files from any server which is populated and live now for ex. Greek mafia, emerald, new generation, la casa and etc

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  4. On 12/29/2018 at 4:06 AM, AchYlek said:

    do u know pts things at JAVA files at mid rate = trash?


    before 1 month we was at betka saga and we spawned 150    7 rbs and killed them in 2 min, since no crit dmg cap and when u hit them they stop using skill


    so if you make everything "pts" you make more trash server then fandc files ;D 


    True about this "pts". Unfortunately, i don't think is good idea.We used to play in java servers.

    sad but true, those new things pts in java files, makes the game different which most of us don't prefer.

    Also, if the administration didn't change and is the same like 2 months ago, they are corrupted and

    giving free items.Even though they had low online.


  5. Maybe the most populated server in Interlude.I didn't play in their old projects

    but server has its own followers and fans.Full international community,you can find players from every country.

    Looking forward to see this interface of ertheia.

  6. Well, server looks fine, well developed, i guess cause vampir is developer.

    I didn't expect to see so many rus in this server though.

    Nothing to report so far, but they still need more players.

    Server has fine online but still,more players, more fun :D


    1 minute ago, AchYlek said:

    like vercetti care about classic lol 


    i just saw at my skype spam from this skype name who wanted scams, 


    anyway vice flaming also tales, so he is out. 

    i am not playing trash servers, maybe thats why.

    my skype spam a mouse's dog and i am wondering if thats a destiny server.

    also the website remember was on destiny before the same.

  8. So, this server at the beggining looks nice.Around 400 players online today,but anyway is not so bad, if there is action.

    Server is not x30, looks like x10 and some areas even less.

    Community Board from 2004,very simple looking but very complicated.

    I think only if you are lucky you can create your own scheme on buffer.

    A lot of Teleports missing from community board for a x30 server, probably they wanted to be like that, i am not sure.

    The Donations from 2nd day are too OP.I was wondering why do i see +13 and +12 guns on 2nd day, and then i realized that you can buy enchant scrolls on donate shop with High chances and if you fail the enchant the weapon stays as it is.

    Server is not for International players, ONLY for Rus cause the community is 90% Rus so you cannot communicate or take part

    on the market, or daily events like 7rb's, instances.

    Only 1 clan International with 12 players average online. Two Big Russian Clans, one them which is paid by server to play there,

    with full items and enchanted from 3rd day, thing that means, noone else can go for pvp, epics and etc.

    Massive quits in last 2 days and i guess it is cause of the donations which give too much boost since 2nd day.

    Very bad server, for Rus server.


  9. Low population.I was expecting bigger online but no....

    Also this fake players engine, or whatever is this, which all players look at the same spot, is really funny :D

    Community board very UNprofessional work,full donate shop from the 1st day.

    Looks like, less than 70 or even 50 real players on that server.

    And finaly i guess this level 11 clan is Admin's friends?

  10. Nice server, easy farm, enough players to have some fun!
    The worst things is, when you log out, your character stays online, so for a newcomer, server looks full, but after few mins,

    you see afk 90% in Giran and in other Towns.

    Also the server is based on bot. bot for farm, bot for PvP. GM attitude very bad, speaks to hero voice like a 12 years old kid who got the privilege :P
    But still if you block the hero chat, to avoid the flame between GM and Heroes, then you can have some fun.

    I thing aroung 70-100 maximum players on prime days.

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