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Everything posted by baryzupa

  1. What Can I say. Still no release date for US. They said if in Japan it will be done very well.. Then they 'll release it for Europe. What about the game ? It's nice, but if You play with clan like me. When Ya play alone - It's boring. :) I will post there if any new's come.
  2. Hello. So there is my problem. L2net version - v.385 ( lastest one ) l2 Client - Lineage 2 Freya. To connect to the server You've to download the freya client etc. -> Here is their guide how to connect : '' After installation complete run Lineage2.exe and get full update, click on "Checking files" button. After update download and copy into your system folder files: http://www.4shared.com/file/Yj7wR0bf/www_l2ex_pl.html Remember to run your game from system/l2extreme.bat '' Now my problem. I Setup l2net, changed patch and tryed everything. 1. What patch should I choose ? If I set patch to ''(...)system\L2EXTREME.bat'' then L2Net won't start lineage.. ( I tryed to set patch to ''(...)system\l2.exe'' but it won't even start game or something. ) Ofcourse i edited ' Loginlist '. 2. There is no file in system called ' l2.txt '. So l2ini editor won't edit for me l2.ini. ( In this server the file same as l2.ini is ' l2exl2 ' -> I changed there ' ServerAddr= ' to my local number's. ) -> It still won't work. I wonder some Senior Cheater would check the server, dl patch etc and try to connect, then tell me the way he did. Here is website ' http://www.l2ex.pl/news/0.html ' I know u don't care, and only maybe 10 ppl will read this.. But I hope there will be one that can help me out. Very thx. Cheer's.
  3. This only shows how MAXCHEATERS and the OLD members of MC helps members which are newb's like me. -.-''
  4. help mee ?
  5. Yo. My problem is that, i want to use l2net. But to my server I can connect only with patcher. I mean i cant start game with l2.exe. So when i set my patch in l2net to l2.exe or to patcher it won't work. What should I do ? Sorry for my English. Cheer's.
  6. Ok. Tell me if I am wrong or right. ^^ Combat tab > ( Lets say i have death spike on page 1, shortcut 1 ) So.. I set it so and ' Add '. ? Then if I have Gloom on Shortcut 2, so I set : Page 1, Shortcut 2 and ' Add ' ? :P And sorry for my English. :)
  7. Hiii. I 've a problem. Im using L2 net, ver. 384. I play on Gracia Final. The problem is.. I can't configure my bot to attack with magic ( Nuker ).. It's necro.. I tryed to set skill's but it won't work. So can some1 guide me to setup it ? Thx a lot. Cheers. :)
  8. U r the shit lol. If u don't like it then why u r there ? >.< Anyways still no release for Europe... What about gameplay.. Its great, but boring sometimes. :)) But I cant stop playing it lol. :P
  9. Maybe soon. There is still no release for Europe. First of all the game will come to Taiwan and Japan.. If there it will be sucesfully then maybe Europe. :)
  10. Well... Game is finally runing for Korea, but they still can't buy it in shop's. :) I finally have an Account !!!! ( Happy ) :P My char is : Human, Matrial Artist, lvl 15. :P The game is AWESOME ! AMAZING ! :O Really nice. Hope to see ya all in game soon. Cheer's. :)
  11. Dude, when U'll Log-In then u will see how great it is. !
  12. 21 players online and you cant play because of lags
  13. Mobs are 85 lv....magic fail.....gm made mistake ,he should make farm with mobs 75lv
  14. new chars have 1kkk adena....7 chars per account.....
  15. Yeah gz...Kill mobs(15min) =1kkk adena....creating new chars(15min)=7kkk ....GOOD GAME ,noany1 want to play with this economy
  16. Nice. U fake my post which i write on the first Page. Could u make your own one's ? >.<
  17. Pmed 3 times and didnt get respond
  18. Hey i have big problem. I lost my password to my donated account Gavron and i cant request new because the email is deleted !!! i tryied to make new email with same adress but i couldnt. Is any way to help me?? Im posting it 3rd time and still dont got help ?
  19. Some New's from Me for ppl who don't know. ;) The 3rd beta Test is coming soon, for sure if I know good it will start 16-17 this month. There is still no date for relase in Europe x( Some ppl won't belive that it will even Come to Europpe, some ppl lost hope, im not one of them. Well I still hope that it will! There is still some way to play ( ofc illegal ). But it's pretty hard to get available KSSN, the one way is get it from a Korean friend that is not going to play this game. FOR SURE : It's still illegal cause it's still not your KSSN right ?. Next problem is that.. : Are you sure that you can play this game which is only in Korean Language? Are you going to understand word's in game ? Im not sure about that. I have a KSSN, and it's available BUT.. I can't even understand Korean language, then how can I make quest etc? No way. So we have to wait all. Ok it's done ^^ I write to much :P Don't lose your hope's people. It's only one we've. Cheer's.
  20. Nice server. Im Playin here right now. A lot of pvp's. :)) Come and see.
  21. Ye about this.
  22. Bla bla bla... The Game is in Beta Test's Now, beta test 2 already Done. In order to play u must have KSSN ( Koren Social Security Number ) It's something like Pesel. U have to be Korean For sure : Your KSSN number must be the real one and u have to confirm it with your real name. So it's impossible to play right now. Well if u have some korean friend that don't play this game so take from him KSSN. At forum we have some1 from Korea I think. Ask them about it. I've heard that the game Will be Out in Europe In Januray 2010... But im Afraid it will not happpen, coz there r just beta test's, so the game isn't out 100% yet. We have to wait. Be Patient !!!! ( Im waitin for it Since 1,5 year so u can too ! ) =))
  23. Ok I Serach again server on which bot work's... But this time i serach server with mid/high rate... I prefer high rate, but not so easy ( u need much farm to get best items ) u know what I mean :)
  24. But friend of me is using bot normal... But he dont know why he can and i cant...
  25. HEeeeeelpppppp =xxxxxxxxx
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