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Everything posted by mariusss

  1. some one should make a server with donation for invul or invisibility :)
  2. my oppinion is that ol goes with everything cuz u have 2 toggles for p.atk and p.def ...so u dont have to worry about dmg taken or given
  3. 1-2 years ago everyone was playing l2 for fun...now all nobs make servers and add "donation system". they make very nice money with a server..for example on l2 terror there are like 40% donators from all players,i've asked a "hero" donator how much he donated and he sayd 400 euros..so there a mask was 85 euros..mask that made u invincible to normal players ..10k ho,12k p.def,7k m.def..85 euros x 20 players 1700 euros..and this is only for masks :) they have a huge list with donation's
  4. :) depends on the number of players too..cuz on l2 gold there are 3k players (or close to) and from all this if 200 have weapon from donation system.. most have from trade and raid boss
  5. true...but is better to have donations for weapons that can be obtained at raid...then have donation weapons and only donators can have them
  6. l2 gold :Ou can obtain that weapon on bosses...not only donations, donating is easyer to get it and enchant it
  7. well..it depends on server..cuz there are servers where curses dont land..so in that case ol/sps is best..
  8. in a server without i say ol/sps is best
  9. welcome
  10. sure u can..when he is afk :)
  11. :)) maybe he developed the game...plans took some time to be put in action
  12. l2 paradise i think there are several "l2 paradise" servers..the original one is www.l2-paradise.com and its an old server since the bigining of l2..it will be the first non l2j hellbound server (retail-like) i think it will be the best. there is another l2 paradise server a greek one..a mid or high rate if i saw correctly..
  13. donation sistem ...i agree with it too...but only when u can get donated items as well throught craft/farm..i mean no donation special set or weapon like in l2 terror where if u donate 30 euros u get a bow that gives u 10k hp or i dont know what..the donatios should be an easy way to get things not an easy way to get overpowerd items that u can only get with donations...its not a fayr game like that
  14. u cant add OL and WS as subclass
  15. depends on server buffer actualy
  16. OL/anything :D but if there are passive skills for light armors that stack and dont replace..there are some bugs on some servers and with OL/summoner with bw light set u get 2-3k cast
  17. nooo..that i think is a good server the server i was talking about is http://l2terror.net/
  18. hi
  19. ok this is what i propose...all who had bad experience on l2 servers because of donators,gms,server,cheathers,hacks and more should put the server here so others dont fall in our mistake...and be warned Never to try: L2 terror (aka l2 goth) server is full of donators...they even have rule:do not insult donators gm-s never online to check how the server is going..when he is he doesnt care about server problems only about his cute and pro players..the donators
  20. l2 terror full of donators (sorry for post)
  21. :)) maybe he playd lineage 1 too :P
  22. about 500 on some server hr
  23. hi :D
  24. anyone knows if there are skills at lv 9 and 10 clan?
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