Lineage 2 Nation Warriors - Classic Server 2.0XP: 7x | SP: 7x | Adena 5xDROP: x3 (chance) SPOIL: x3 (chance) x1 (amount) QUEST: x5 (xp/adena)Raid Bosses: x1 (chance)-- OPENING --APRIL, 21 Our Links: https://nationwarriors.com
☑ Promotion for Clans
• 10 members = 5 acc's (Premium for 10 days) + 300k each player.
• 20 members = 10acc's (Premium for 20 days) + 600k each player
• 30+ members = 15acc's (Premium for 30 days) +1kk each player.
In addition, the clan leader will receive an award of 20, 30 or 40 EUROS in his Master Account.
☑ Promotion for CP's
Bring your CP to play in the Nation Warriors, and win up to 3 Premium Accounts for 15 days each, and up to 10 euros per member of your CP.
1*- To receive the bonus you need:
1.1 - The Clan Leader or CP Leader must open a ticket in our control panel, with the evidence of the number of his players. (must send photo link, of all members online, in the clan window and in the game);
1.2 - The Leader and only he must open the ticket, along with the evidence must send the login of all accounts that will receive the award.
2*- All members required for counting should be at least level 10.
3*- Abandonment of the game by members of the clan can generate the suspension of the bonus.
4*- If it is CP, the number of Premium Accounts will be defined along with the number of CP members. At least 1 account and at most 3 accounts per CP.
Premium Accounts Bonus
XP: x7 - (+50% Premium ACC) SP: x7 - (+100% Premium ACC) ADENA: x5 (amount) (+50% Premium ACC) DROP: x3 (chance) (+50% Premium ACC) SPOIL: x3 (chance) x1 (amount) (+50% Premium ACC "chance") QUEST: x5 (xp/adena) Raid Bosses: x1 (chance)