Hello everyone i am a new member in this forum and i learned it from a friend it looked good and i saw many things here that were awesome and made me wanna start developing l2 servers xD. The problem is that i am a total noob and i don't know anything... dunno how to edit files and nothing... I read manny guides about how to create a server but still i didn't understood much... I wanna know how can I modify my own server. I wanna start from the beggining i believe its the best way to learn instead of stealing someones else DB. So can someone get me into basics? How to edit and how to do everything... I would aprecciate it if someone could add me on MSN so i can ask him when i have questions(greeks prefered xD). Also something off-topic:what are karmas for?(i was member only of VBulletin forums never SM...)
And lastly i wanna know why people give a 200-400-600 post acount need in order to see some posts. I read the titles of some awesome staff especialy from Critical-Error and i am not able to see them:/.By making these staff you make people wanna see them so they spam to get the number of posts needed.
Thank You All In Advance,