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  1. Grand Opening 9th of March 7PM GMT+1 http://L2Warriors.eu x20 H5 Midrate ! Whats we offer? -Most stable and best server files. -100% antibot protection -Best DDoS protection around - no downtime - no lags - no delay -Sieges/tw every weekend - Epics spawn every week -Heroes every week - auto mana/cp potions - buffs 2 hours. -Biggest Clans EU/RU will be here, for Enormous PvP Fights. -High-quality balance & long-term game new formula for the best in-game economy. -New unique antibot system that will block everything. -Anti-bot and anti-adrenaline protection. -We present you a fresh new start x20 xp/sp x15 drop/spoil/ x15 adena. Rates and basic features EXP x20 SP x20 Adena x15 Seal Stone x5 Drop chance x15 Spoil chance x15 Epaulettes х5 Manor x1 Fame x1 RB Exp/Sp x7 RB drop x4 Epic Boss Exp/Sp/Drop x3 Drop quest item x3 Atribute stones 40% chance Atribute crystals 35% chance Max enchant +12 Safe enchant +4 Songs and dances 12 dedicated slots Mana potions 1000 MP wit 10s delay Vote system every 12h - you get a vote reward that increases your stats(works also in Olympiad). Just type .getreward Stream - type .stream in game, attach your Twitch account there and you get a buff for 24h that works like a Premium Account and Festival Adena per Viewers ! Auto Potions - Ctrl+Left Click to enable CP/HP/MP and also Kamael Bottle of Souls Combine talismans - type .combine Macro Reuse Bug - NOT WORKING Accounts are autocreate! Gameplay Server time - gmt+1. Autoloot - enabled. Offline trades - activate by using the command .offline. Skills autolearned - enabled. Box limit - 4 Cursed weapons - from server opening. Chat limitation - shout/private/trade chats are available starting at lvl 60. Anti Bot Protection and Anti Bot in game and unique CAPCHA. DISCONNECT/CRITICAL ERROR KEEPS YOU IN PARTY Epic Bosses and respawn times Valakas - 7 days +/- 2h Baium - 7 days +/- 2h, min-max lvl 82-85 Antharas - 7 days +/- 2h Queen Ant - 24h +/- 10 min, min-max lvl 82-85 Beleth - 7 days, needs 18 players to enter Freya Easy - needs min 9 players to enter, min-max lvl 82-85 Freya Hard - needs 18 players to enter, min-max lvl 82-85 Zaken lvl 83 - every Monday and Wednesday, needs 9 players, min-max lvl to enter 82-85 Zaken Nighttime - needs min 18 players, min-max lvl to enter 55-56 Frintezza - needs min 9 players to enter, min-max lvl 82-85 Core - 7 days, min-max lvl 82-85 Orfen - 7 days, min-max lvl 82-85 Changes to Epic Bosses Queen Ant, Core, Orfen, Baium - increased lvl to 85. Their HP, p.attack, p.def, m.attack, m.def are increased. Increased the amount of Adena dropped by Antharas, Valakas, Baium, Queen Ant. If you disconnect in the Antharas, Valakas and Beleth locations, you will not be sent to town. You have a 5 min window in which you can log back into the zone. Baium, Valakas, Antharas got 100% chance to drop the jewels, Queen Ant has a 80% chance. Also, Antharas and Valakas are the only Epic Bosses that drop top grade weapons. Grand Olympiad Start - Grand Opening First heroes - Grand Opening Minimum number of people to start Olympiad - 8. Server features all High Five Olympiad arenas in which you can fight. Battles take place from 17:00 to 00:00 gmt+1. Best unique Geodata in Olympiad(no running into walls, no teleport, no more getting stuck). All hero weapons working. Heroes every Saturday 12:00 gmt+1. Number of matches per week - 100. Starting Olympiad points - 50. If you get disconnected in Olympiad, you will lose points and GM won't give you back the points. If matches end in a TIE, both opponents lose points. Regarding feeding in Olympiad - NOT FORBIDDEN, it's a L2 feature. Be a decent player. If you are reported by other players that you received feed from characters with no armor or weapon and you did not receive any kind of damage while fighting(video), you will lose the received points. Castle, Sieges, Territory War Sieges start from Grand Opening Territory War starts from Grand Opening Sieges and Territory Wars will be every week: Territory Wars on Saturday and Sieges on Sunday. Other custom modifications Custom teleportations available. No Anakim Transforms on the server. Rename option available for 50 DC or 50 FA. Clan rename available for 200 FA. Auto Events available every hour. If you got any ideas about new events, feel free to suggest and you win DP for this if your idea will be applied. All character options available on .cfg in game including HWID block, hide animations, repair character, enable/disable skill effects, offline shops, block buffs, xp( EXP - please take care while you lvl up with this option) Delevel NPC available. You have option to setup buff stores in clan hall and buff store zone at .buffstore We recommend you use a VALID e-mail address so it's easier for you to recover your account in case you lose it. The server features or some specific quests/raids/instances etc can be modified depending on the servers development. Don't forget to have fun! http://L2Warriors.eu
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