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Everything posted by workhard

  1. WTS COL on l2realm.com 1 col = 0.05 €. in stock 500+ col's Skype: l2seller2
  2. Hello! I want to file a report on a dude with a nickname. Helc. Here is his profile on mx -- https://maxcheaters.com/profile/143221-helc/ His contacts: ID Skype : Marioskat.marioskat1 petroskat.petros1 Anwnimos2 Be carefull with him.
  3. 10 col = 0.4 $ TTS set = 2.5 $ Discounts for wholesale buyers (250+ col -70%) In stock 1000+ col and alot of misc items like BEWS/BEAS/TOP/High life stones Skype: L2seller2 (prefer) or dm1tr1y1986
  4. 100kk - 9$ Skype - dm1tr1y1986
  5. WTS : Adena: 20kk - 5 euro Donate Coins 100 - 4 euro Skype: dm1tr1y1986
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