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About Alessonborges

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  1. Can any charitable soul help me with scripting for this kind of captcha? Thank you so much. Obs: his script worked and alert when you open the captcha windows: function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('60 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(500); StopSound; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(300); captcha(); end; end.
  2. function SetForegroundWindow(hwnd: integer) : Boolean; stdcall; external 'user32.dll'; function captcha:boolean; begin if engine.dlgtext.contains('Refresh') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Captcha') or engine.dlgtext.contains('60 seconds') or engine.dlgtext.contains('Bot') then begin SetForegroundWindow(Engine.GameWindow); PlaySound(exepath+'\sounds\'+'PlayerAlarm'+'.wav'); delay(500); StopSound; end; end; begin while true do begin delay(300); captcha(); end; end. this script worked and alert when you open the captcha windows
  3. Can any charitable soul help me with scripting for this kind of captcha? Thank you so much...
  4. Can any charitable soul help me with scripting for this kind of captcha? Thank you so much!!!!
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