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About M3rchant

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  1. WTS Adventurer LvL 80 + Noblesse Draconic Set +6/+7 TTS Jwls Set +6 AS +4 +CD (the rest of the items , like LS`s , Codex , A grade items etc. are for free) 80 Euro PM for details
  2. WTS Gold on L2 Warland - 10k = 35 Euro 550k in stock PayPal Only PM here
  3. So , the server doesnt matter?
  4. WTS 3 Billion Adena - 20$ / 100kk If you buy all adena , you get 100$ discount , along with other awesome gifts. Middleman at your choice. SKYPE: live:c63839a26a1229ce
  5. Why the hell u post this crap on a Lineage 2 Marketplace?
  6. WTS AQ LvL 3 - Offer in PM. Paymant with PayPal Middleman only.
  7. Accounts: Sagittarius - 77 Prophet - 73 Bladedancer - 66 Spoiler - 60 Items: Eminence Bow +16 - Othel 10 Talisman TOI 6 (sold) Doom Light Set +6(sold) Over 10k of Each important crafting materials (Enria , M. Alloy , S. Cokes) and lots of all other mats (sold) Over 200k Fish (Blue Mackerel , Fresh BLue Mackerel) Adena: ~2,5 Billion
  8. dont know , 35 euro , something like that
  9. WTS Baium Ring +8 CHEAP PM here for price and info
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