- Experience: 8000x
- Safe Enchanting: +10
- Max Enchanting: +30
- Enchant Rate: 80%
- Skills Are Auto-Learn.
- Wedding System.
- Clan Halls
- No Clan Penalties,
- All Region Sieges.
- Weight Penalty Removed.
- Sub-Class System.
- Noblesse System.
- Custum Hero System (top pvp).
- Duel System.
- Augmentation System.
- C1/C2/C3/C4/C5/Interlude Skills
- Geodata W/o Bugs.
- Gold Bar System.
Custom NPCs
- Gatekeeper teleporting everywhere.
- Gm Shop(Senso) With The Best Items Available. (Only up to Interlude items,no custom stuff!)
- Lifestone Trader(Petros)
- Custom shop(Here you can buy titanium armor)
- Special Shop(Here you can buy epic weapons)
- All In One Npc Buffer(Time of buffs 17hours)
Farm zones:
-Antharas Nest
-Cruma tower
Take a look! L][-Phoenix
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