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Posts posted by Alianza

  1. Do you mean SetTimer & OnTimer? It isnt hard to make calculations lag the client, but if you just have function to start animation it should be fine even if you have very low timer delay.


    I have a function to start the animation every xx seconds. So ye, that would be it.

    Thanks for replying, @vampir!

  2. [...] your best bet to make it actually endless would be putting it on a timer with the delay equal to playtime


    Did it. Worked the way I wanted. Thanks for that.

    By the way, *stupid question alert*: the timer I've added for a small texture, can it cause lags, freezes or something related with the server?

  3. emmm... yes because setting it to 1 will do exactly the thing you are trying to avoid - playing it once

    TRY 0 or -1, maybe that gonna be interpreted as endless loop (probably not)


    your best bet to make it actually endless would be putting it on a timer with the delay equal to playtime


    Thank you again!

    It is actually quite a good idea. Thanks!

  4. Hello guys, I've another question that I hope you can help me answer it.

    I'm playing with some interface edition, and now I'm trying to add a new animated texture.

    The animated texture I've created works fine, but only during one time. I use the method Play to play the animated texture when I want, but it doesnt enters in a loop, like it does in Unreal Engine.

    Any of you guys know how to make an animated texture enter in a loop 'till I decide to stop it with the Stop or Pause method?


  5. Hello guys, I'm going to edit this post to get to the point in a faster way.

    So, since I'm trying to get some values from an interface.xdat and I cant decompile it (because I've searched for the program that virus uses to decompile the same interface in his video and I cant find it), I'm asking if any of you guys could decompile it for me.

    Here's the program virus uses in his video:



    So, if any of you have either the program or the patience to do it for me, I would really appreciate it.

    File interface.xdat: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/212247-edited-interface-and-shortcuts-for-interlude/


  6. What he is trying to say is.. No one has the perfect geodata as no one busy to report bugs and there is no one to fix em, at least for free. So, take the geo shared on aCis forums and report bugs, Root or someone else may fix it for free. Else, deMev has geodata services.


    I did understand what he said. I just wanted to know if there was any other geodata on which someone had already worked with it and fixed the bugs that it might had. Just that.

    Thanks for replying, SweeTs! You can close the topic now.


    PS: I've already asked deMEV via PM, but he hasnt one on sell.

  7. All Geo for Lineage 2 have 3 types:

    1. Builded from client for current chronicles;
    2. Builded from client for many chronicles. Mixed up package;
    3. Builded from client for current chronicles with manual editions.

    In 99% cases you got second case from any who shared Geo package for you. Do not be surprised if you will stops in the invisible walls, because all Interlude geodata consists of squares from the lower chronicles where was walls, stones who was deleted in Interlude client later.


    Have a nice day. Feel free to use any Geo if you don't have special knowledge. Otherwise you will the vithim of scammers.


    I will take your advice then, Rootware.

    Thanks for the explanation.

  8. I understand the geodata Tryskell uploaded is good, but has some problems in certain areas. I would like a geodata which was tested and with those problems solved. That's why I'm willing to pay someone for a good geodata.

    Thanks both for replying and thanks @Ekolotas for the link. I'm gonna try it.

  9. Hello folks,

    as the title says, I'm looking for a good Interlude geodata. Since I'm using aCis for an Interlude project and I read somewhere that @Rootware was selling one of his own for that project (with a membership system) and it was very good, I'm looking for something similar (or better).

    Please, if you have an offer to make, send me a PM with your skype ID to talk more about it, OR if you know a good geodata which is free... I would like to know about that too via a PM :)


    Thanks for your attention.

  10. The thing: in the Interlude client you cant use SetScrollBarHeight function as you could in higher chronicles (Kamael +). I've solved it making the ScrollArea height static, while the content I've made for the window is dynamic, making its content adaptable to the window, and not the window adaptable to the content.

    So, the post is solved.


    You can lock this.

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