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Why is the rum gone?

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About Why is the rum gone?

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    Searching for rum.

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  1. Just a random guy passing by ... i missed my train i must run to catch it ! Also don't look so much films? "So much films"? Dat english, sad storka, If english grammar is similar to your coding skills we are f*ed
  2. JAJAJA i died laughing just with a spherical fast look. I didn't even read. 2017 with features that 2002 servers had. frozen pack developed by unskilled greek that is more corrupted than the maxc's owner. Sure you gonna get 3 people. Those gonna be your friends. Celestine, Baggos and the other guy who pretend to be dev and sell shared codes on skype rolf.\ Ps. even funnier fact is that you "own" a project. Basically a frozen pack that you add shared stuff. You can't even touch the core.
  3. The awkward moment when his gold member friends join to write "trusted developer, he finished my code" even if they never order. Rolf
  4. The moment you realise report section takes longer than the System.CurrentMilliseconds(); to respond ROLF
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