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About totty10000

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. greek, spanish and romanian :P
  2. Eva's templar in my opinion
  3. useful: Bless of body,magnus,resist fire/water,etc useless: regeneration,resist poison,kiss of eva.....
  4. without geodata it won't work
  5. http://l2worldofdarkness.servegame.com new server,just wiped , +25 max enchant 70% enchant rate...no custom shits that adds 24542353 p.atk we are working to add one custom set ..armor weapon and jewel ... without 23423423 bonuses try us !
  6. Lineage 2 World of Darkness -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSite : http://l2worldofdarkness.servegame.com/ Lineage 2 World Of Darkness is now live ! Xp 300 | Sp 400 | Adena 500 | Items 5 | Spoil 30 Server features: * Full C6, Interlude Skills. * Custom Shops with FULL C6, Interlude Items. * Custom Shop with S grade armors edited for seeds. * Custom Shop with full Interlude weapons. * Custom Telleporter with Interlude Zones. * Full Interlude Mobs+Raids. * Official SubClass System. * Class Manager. * Fishing system. * Olympiad system - from 20:00 - 24:00. * Auto learn skills, skills can be enchanted. * Max enchant weapon +25 rate of succes is 70%, safe till +6. * Max enchant armor +25 rate of succes 70% , safe till +6. * Blessed rate enchant is 100% , You cand get Blessed scrolls from baium in raid boss zone. * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Int spawnlist and mobs. * Clan Hall working. * Player spawn protection 30 seconds. * Wedding System -> Andromeda. * Fireworks Manager -> Kamikaze. * Tattoo Shop -> only Pdef. * Custom Adena zone , Seeds Zone , Raid Boss Zone * Buffer-2 hour buff time includes prophet,songs, dances and chants. * Maximum level is 80. * Full C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, Interlude quests. * Newbies characters have better armors. * Augmenter in every town. * Team vs Team events daily. * Hero weapons can be enchanted. * Nobless / Hero system working. * NPC Bank - exchange money. * Custom shop with Raid Boss Jewels for RB. * And many more new features. * Currently we are not accepting donations !
  7. Someone have l2 interlude skills fixed..no bugs? or...something like retail ones ps:this is for interlude server..l2 emu
  8. Serious l2emu interlude server PVP just started(wiped 2 days ago) and i`m looking for one developer Knowledge: Java PHP SQL .DAT .UTX site : Server WebPage Contact me via Forum
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