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Afou To Patisa

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Posts posted by Afou To Patisa

  1. 12 minutes ago, JohnBoy13 said:

    Someone will do it eventually. Thank you for bumping the topic though. 


    Just don't spread lies behind my back for scam. I never tried to sell you multiclient code. I said ill check it and i 5 min later i said i won't work with you obviously because i can't do it. If you don't like me you can simply no pick me for coding but don't create fake enviroment around me as if i tried scam you.

  2. 47 minutes ago, Crytek ™ said:

    Kara from then you do client editing?)

    I don't do client editing. I said ill check it and 5 min later i send i can't do and i wont work with you. I don't see how he say "I tried to scam him". Ask him to show you the conversation :) It was like:


    - Can you do it?

    - Ill check it and tell you.


    5 min later.

    - No i cant i wont work with you. 


    If you don't believe me ask him to show u conversation, i didnt try to sell him anything. He just got rejected and because he can't find anyone he got mad and write random stuff.


  3. Just now, Frank said:


    Well you might have to be less offensive as well in order to survive and be inside "rule's lines".

    In this specific case you are not the one with the greater share of responsibility, however your general image might deserve a chat ban or a warning and that's why they are monitoring you and waiting until you say a bad word or smth and then punish you. Maybe you could try changing your general image in this forum and see how it goes.

    No really i just dont care. I have more important things to care than just a greek who is same age with me and he try teach manners while in his life is worst. Plus i never hated anyone in this forum. They accept as hate the fact that i trashtalk to kids who open topics and asj things like "i want someone to make me a server for free". Its not baggos or reborn problem they just show how sad they are inside them. Its my problem for write down and respond while i just use this forum as marmetplace to buy and sell. Anw goodluck aint write further more. No worth to waste my time for pixels.

    • Downvote 1
  4. 15 minutes ago, Frank said:

    Well I understand Baggos point of view, he is trying to keep forum clean from trashes/bad words etc. However in this case it was a figure of speech phrase and Kara didn't want to sound rude. I really believe that this is an excessive decision by Baggos, even if I like his moderation and I strongly believe that all mods should be careful in every word they see, in this specific case Kara shouldn't receive any chat ban or even a warning.

    Thx for been realistic they chat ban m for 2 days and gave me 2 warning not 1 but 2 for just saying fuck. Its my mistake for giving value to those people by reacting to their actions as if they are better than me while they are same age with same life and write same words. Baggos has the worst mouth in this forum but all of sudden he is polite and reborn12 he simply take advantage of moderating rights to have fame and call ke scammer why people on skype tell me that he sell trance pack for hs job. Afc he will deny this and make a reference t something else but i know its true. But again i repeat is my mistake for give value this person whos life i guess is full of problens which he take them out on me with a button. Maxcheaters is dead so its pointless to defend my self in a forum where admin no care. Take care frank and to others stay in this forum without people to protect it from haters who just write fuck.

  5. 41 minutes ago, 'Baggos' said:

    I have 1 question:

    1. Kara said:
      Obviously i gave him a source which is 2 years old it doesnt even have duplicated name fix. The trade was months months ago...
      What about here? No one said nothing about this. 1 page judging what is right but you guys keep ignore this one.. 



    I don't know who must be reported here.. Anyway. I'm not defending no one. Big drama without responsibilities.. Since Sweets junk the share, then this topic should be locked as solved.


    Have a nice day.


    no worth it once more 

  6. Hello, i wanted ask people let's say we have a project that is really old and it use java 6 or 7 and we want upgrade it to java 8 (latest).

    How we do this via eclipse? And if yes will this affect the java coding part? I think java 7 is included all in java 8 so it wont affect the code right?

    Still how we do it via eclipse?

  7. Hi, i've got a question. Let's say you let 1 character in middle of dion and you log out.

    Then a player start running from 1 corner of dion to the other. While he start run u login with the other char.

    With the char u just logged in u see the moving char walking 2 second delayed while passing infront of you.


    In his window he already passed you but in your window (logged in char) you see him just passing by.


    Why this 1.5 - 2 Delay ? What i can adjust to remove this? Ty

  8. You can use Calendar.WEEK_OF_YEAR and add 2 instead of Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7


    also in SS check you should increase days with your value so .add must be with Calendar.DATE , SiegeManager.getInstance().SiegeEvery()



    P.s im not sure about this i have different code from you


    I changed the code its working fine now it use my var and set sieges every 14 days and if example the date is set on Monday it add +4 days to reach Saturday cause sieges are by default only at Saturdays or sundays.

    But the question here is

    Whats with the (!SevenSigns.getInstance().isDateInSealValidPeriod(getCastle().getSiegeDate()))  ?


    If sevenSigns are running then sieges should be 1 week later? or what?

  9. Bonjour. Someone can tell me how to configure this part of code that 

    refer to nextSiegeDay?

    /** Set the date for the next siege. */
    private void setNextSiegeDate()
    	while (getCastle().getSiegeDate().getTimeInMillis() < Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis())
    		if (getCastle().getSiegeDate().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.SATURDAY && getCastle().getSiegeDate().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) != Calendar.SUNDAY)
    			getCastle().getSiegeDate().set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SATURDAY);
    		if (getCastle().getSiegeDate().get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == Calendar.SATURDAY && !Config.CL_SET_SIEGE_TIME_LIST.contains("day"))
    			getCastle().getSiegeDate().set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.SUNDAY);
    		getCastle().getSiegeDate().add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 7);
    	if (!SevenSigns.getInstance().isDateInSealValidPeriod(getCastle().getSiegeDate()))
    		getCastle().getSiegeDate().add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, SiegeManager.getInstance().SiegeEvery()); // I set this at 14 

    The SiegeManager.getInstance().SiegeEvery() is basically an int that you set (days) Example if you set 7 sieges must start every 7 days or if you set 14 sieges start every 14 days (On Saturday or Sunday) as it says. But i'm not sure if i did it properly. Cause in server it says siege start at 8/13/2017 so in 7 days instead of 14 i put.


    + How to avoid confilct with isDateInSealValidPeriod idk how this work. 

  10. Ok i have a question that bother me 5 seconds now


    Let's say we make a class and this class just do something 

    public class Spammer
        final L2PcInstance _player;
    int index = 0;
        Spammer(L2PcInstance player)
     _player = player;
        public void start()
    ThreadPoolManager.scheduleFixedRate(new Runnable()
    public void Run()
      if (index == 5)
    }, 1000, 1000);

    The code is really to explain you.


    So let's say we do   new Spammer(player); 

    this will start the threadpool and after 6 times it will stop send player a message. 


    But what java do afterwards? What happen to this class created as new object ? It get fucked up garbage collector since its not doing anything ? 


    I did a code that basically create a new object for vote but i was wondering after the time expire and give reward or no give reward what happen to this class? 




  11. Hi, i've got a problem at Boats and Airship. 


    1. When you boat on boat and the 1st player is in middle, the 2nd player move and click to walk against the wood. The 2nd player fall down while the first one see the 2nd player

    still at the edge of the wood and after 5-6 sec he fall down. Sometimes also when 2 people are on the boat a 3rd player who came no see both on boat, just one of them until the one

    that is not visible, move out of boat and then move in again.


    2. Airship. when u enter in airship you spawn in middle. When a s2nd player enter in airship the 1st player see him like he is running at the edge of airship while he is actually not. and the 2nd player

    see the 1st one running at the edge of the ship.


    Basically some packet problem (broadcast) etc


    Pm me.


    First siege is 16:00-18:00 and next one 20:00-22:00


    after when u take castle, your clan leader can change time of siege 



    and tw time is always same... 


    "Territory wars will occur one day before the castle sieges and will have the same 2 week cycle. To accommodate this, the castle siege schedule will be modified. All territory wars will occur on Saturday from 20:00 - 22:00 CST. All castle sieges are being moved to Sundays from 16:00 - 18:00 and from 20:00 - 22:00 CST." 


    you so stupido ;D



    In same day?So basically all sieges are in same day right?

    And a clan leader set the siege time?

  13. hi, i want ask some people who are experienced with lineage 2 (high 5)


    1. Sieges are all start at the same time? Or each siege has different date? 

    2. TerritoryWar starts 24 hour before each siege right?

    3. If each siege has different starting date then if for example Dion siege is at 7/27 at 18:00  and Giran's at 7/27 at 18:30   the territory war will override the previous one ? 


    I'm a bit confused.

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