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About Murray90

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    Czech Republic

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  1. WTS BD 67 140 euro pm here. Zubei heavy set, D duals with iss 8 lvl ( mp regen )
  2. WTS SE 67 lvl 140euro, with EQ +15 euro ( bw robe set, C weapon + 8ss, A jewels. )
  3. Hello, im selling SE 67. Stigma learned. I have BW robe set C weapon with iss 8 lvl, dyes +8 men. Possible to buy naked.
  4. Hi, im selling SE 67 lvl . pm on forum for more info
  5. Only serious offers, possible sell acc without EQ. Contact me here Shilien Elder lvl 67,76%, lot of XP scrolls, BW robe set, C mage weapon + iss lvl 8, dyes +8men +4con, subs 16 days. BladeDancer lvl 67,40%, lot of xp scrolls, Zubei heavy set, D duals + iss lvl 6, dyes +12 con, subs 28 days SwordSinger lvl 55, full plate set, D dagger + iss lvl 6, sub 4 days Prophet lvl 54,24% , Karmian robe set, D staff +4, dyes +8 men, DW Learned ! , sub 12 days, ( bonus greater might SB ) Destroyer 56 lvl, bw heavy set, Lance + othell lvl 6, berseker sword + othel lvl 6, dyes +8 str, subs 12 days Destroyer lvl 55, doom heavy set, lance + othell lvl 6, dyes +8 str, subs 11 days Plains Walker 56 lvl, doom light set, demon dagger + othell lvl 6, eminence +2 + yul lvl 10, Black ore jew, dyes +8 str, subs 17 days Treasure Hunter 66,51%, Full naked, no subs. Gladiator 60,66%, full naked, subs 14 days Only serious offers, possible sell acc without EQ. Contact me here
  6. WTS 2x destro 41 / 39 cleric 2x marks done / Glad 59 / PR 41/tyrant 67 SKELTH - write here inbox
  7. WTS Tyrant 67 lvl on skelth server ( naked ) with 35 euro on account. prize 200 euro ( 165 euro prize for character ) Skype : Frogysk8 or pm here.
  8. WTS 2x destro 41 / 39 cleric 2x marks done / Glad 59 / PR 41 SKELTH. pm here for more info.
  9. WTS Tyrant 67 lvl ( naked ) SKELTH server, pm on forum
  10. WTB L2 classic server/client 2.0 + official stats all mobs/rbs/NPC. Inbox more info thx
  11. Hello, my servise is exp others mainly like driver, i have all supports ( BD SWS WC OL SE ) I can play every day 12+h. Write there for more info about prize. Only serious offers thanks
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