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  1. HARDCORE is live, bot trains are running, all aboard. Good luck Idlers.
  2. Website: www.Lineage2Idle.com Lineage 2 Idle is the home of botting. We allow botting and promote it. We've grown an awesome community since 2017 and want to continue offering a server where you are able to play any way you prefer. Check out our forums regardless because we have some useful content. Nostalgia at its best! Join today and become an Idler! Note: Features, changes and adjustments are made throughout time, visit our site to keep up to date with the latest info. Rates Overview: EXP/SP - 0.25 Adena - 0.25 Drop/Spoil: x1 base, but read below. Drops and Spoils Changes: Farming has been highly modified for HARDCORE: Item Drop Changes: Monsters that dropped any S80+ full drops, now only drop the recipe in place. Monsters that dropped any Vorpal full drops, now do not. Olympiad is the only way to obtain Vorpal. Enchant Scrolls cannot be dropped or spoiled, except from raidbosses. Mastery Codex cannot be dropped or spoiled, except from raidbosses. Only herbs dropping are HP/MP recover. Crafting Changes: Any recipe under S80 remains 'retail'. All S80+ recipe require 500% more crafting ingredients. Enchantment Information: Element Stones have a 50% success rate. Element Crystals have a 30% success rate. Weapons +4 ~+10=60% / +10~+16=50% / Armors +4~+10=65% / +10~+16=55% Vitality: Vitality will be a luxury on HARDCORE, so make good use of it. Below are ways to obtain vitality - Vitality only gives a flat bonus of 150% for all levels 1-4. - Belonging to a clan who owns a clan hall. - Birthday Cakes, by voting or donation. - Retail Method - Hunting Bonus Castle and Fort Sieges: All castles will be siegable, but 3 castles will reap major benefits. *Aden: Exchange Vorpal, Fire/Water Crystals. Circlet of Aden: +2%PvP Dmg, +5% Stun Resist *Giran: Exchange Vorpal, Exchange Earth/Wind Crystals. Circlet of Giran: +2% PvP Dmg, +5% Paralyze Resist *Goddard: Exchange Vorpal, Exchange Holy/Dark Crystals. Circlet of Goddard: 2% PvP Dmg, +5% Root Resist. -Lord's Crown(All Castles): +5% PvP Damage +5%HP/CP/MP - Wyverns are not allowed in sieges. *Territory War, noblesse requires 250 Territory War badges. *Territory War, wards are sent to their respective castle each war. Clan Halls: Ancient Adena is now used to acquire a clan hall. The 'support magic' function has been upgraded with 3rd class buffs. All clan halls have vitality buff(member must have a rank of 1-5 AND clan hall 'use functions' privilege.) All clan halls have the options of unsealing up to S-grade gear. (More features announced later) Clan Reputation Adjustments: Kill/Death by war: 5/-5 points. Capture Fortress: 2000 / Lose Fortress: 500 Capture Castle: 9000 / Lose Castle: 3000 Defended Castle: 2500 Clan Gained Hero: 1000 Vote Rewards: -Passive skill which gives +10% PvE damage for 4 hours. -Hats Accessories More soon.. Premium Account Bonus's: Global chat command enabled.(-) with no delay cooldown. - Town teleport commands enabled (.giran etc) - Increased seal stone drop rate +Planning a premium shop in the future with more daily rewards. Useful Commands: .ccp - Character Control Panel with a lot of useful options. .changeexp - Direct command for EXP on/off. .premium - Give detailed information about premium. .hellbound - Check level and trust status of hellbound. .getreward - Type only after voting on all banners from our website homepage. .repair - Resets a lot of setting incase of "stuck". Town Instant Teleport(premium required): .giran/.hunters/.dion/.aden/.goddard/.gludio/.rune/.heine/.schuttgart/.oren/.gludin Character Information: -Subclasses: Max 3 subs, max level 80, quest required. -Noblesse quest is required, or through territory wars or donation. -Autoloot is on, except herbs and raid drops. -Dual Box Limit, 10 characters. -Drop ownership is calculated by most damage. -Buy/Sell slots increased to 15, weight limit is x10 and inventory slots is 200. -Max run speed(250), Max Physical Crit Rate(500), Max Magic Crit Rate(200), Max Attack Speed(1500), Max Casting Speed(1999), Max Evasion(275) Class Changing: 1st and 2nd class can be done free with class manager/popup. 3rd class quest will be required, also the quest has been modified requiring more work but also more reward. Raid Bosses: -Non-epic raid bosses have 50% more defense. -Non-epic raid bosses have 50% increased drop item chance of retail. -All raid bosses have chance to drop enchant scrolls corresponding to their level(ex. lvl. 52 raid will drop B enchants). -Raid spawns are announced to make more interesting. -Queen Ant is the only epic who is boosted, with defense and HP. Epic Raid Levels: Queen Ant(40), Orfen(50), Core(50), Zaken(60/83), Baium(80), Antharas(85), Valakas(85), Frintezza(85) Olympiad Information: -Heroes are selected monthly, 1st of every month. -You can target any player and use .olympiadstat to see their stats. -A maximum of 70 matches can be fought per week, although each category has a weekly limit as well. Class Specific: 30, Class Irrelevant: 60, Team Matches: 10. -A minimum of 15 matches are required to quality for hero and of course being ranked first on validation day. -No limit on gear/enchants in Olympiad, use what you earn. Also skill certifications are in effect during matches. -S84 item prices increased. -On validation, 1 olympiad point = 1,000 olympiad tokens, for those who don't know. -Characters will have random names and appearances during matches. Also, IP restrictions are active. Other information to know about: -Character must be level 40+ to use Global(!), if you're premium you can shout freely with (-). -Leaderboard rewards and displaying statue of winner in towns, updated daily. -Clan leader transfers are instant, also leaving a clan gives no penalty. -Clan warehouse items can be withdrawn by any clan members with 'warehouse search' privilege. -Karma is not an easy situation to get out of, take care when choosing to PK. -Hero and PvP weapons can be augmented. -Every 4 hours, top arena kills/fishermen/crafters are rewarded. -Separated Soul's cannot be used if flagged or you have karma. -Any items sold to NPC shops give 0 adena. Merchant/Shop Changes: Merchant of Mammon all items but dyes cost increased. Blacksmith of Mammon unsealed S-Grade+ cost increased. PvP upgrade price increased. Recipe Merchants have been removed. Blacksmiths no longer aid your material crafting, you need a dwarf. Kirklan, in addition to normal ingredients, adena was added. Karuda, cursed burial items required increased 300% for recipes, 500% for others. Cheiren, amulets required increased by 300% for recipes, 500% for materials. Dinn, dinosaur tissues required increased 300%. Sobling, knowledge chapters required increased 300% for recipes, 500% for others. Hude, pages required increased 300%, contracts not increased. Karakawei, bones required increased 300%. Filaur, Mineral Fragments required increased 500%. Manor: Unavailable at start until further notice, reworking. Quest Changes: *All repeatable quests that reward adena have been nerfed. *Removed quest requirements to challenge Freya. *Legendary Tales: Vesper Weapons are replaced with Dynasty. *Threat Removal: Now requires 1500 Sel Mahum ID's, rewards a random element crystal, enchants removed. *Completely Lost: Vesper is replaced with Moirai. *Don't Know Don't Care: Vorpal is replaced with Vesper gear. *Reed Field Maintenance: Hides drop chance lowered. *Figuring it Out!: Tanta Blood required increased. *An Ice Merchants Dream: Silver Ice Crystals for materials increased. *Black Swan trade list for Bills increased.
  3. Idle is back in 2018! Main post updated.
  4. Double xp event this weekend.
  5. Pumpkin Collectors need your help to farm as many small pumpkins as you can for an upcoming festival, bring all the small pumpkins you can find from monsters to them and they will reward you! You could also open the small pumpkins for a small reward, but saving them to trade to the pumpkin collectors might be more useful. Rewards you can choose: King Pumpkin - Open for a chance to get Basic Mask: Golden Jack O'Lantern Skill, = +HP/CP/Speed/Debuff Resist. Enhanced Rare Masks: Super Strong Mask, Skill = +Attack Speed, +P.Attack Mask of Silent Scream, Skill = +Crit Rate, +Crit Damage Spirit of Wrath Mask, Skill = +Speed, +VR Effect Planet X235 Alien Mask, Skill = +Cast Speed, +M. Crit Rate
  6. Take your nonsense somewhere else. Clueless kid.
  7. So you want to be join the server and instantly be on the same gear level as people who's been playing here for 3 months? No
  8. Growing daily we have a fun community, come try us out. New feature added recently: 24/7 PvP Territory Control Event! Fight other players to control this valuable area where monsters drop the most Apiga, and other items! If you control Western Fortress you can also fight the "Leader" of the Invaders! Good luck! Invaders have taken over the Border of Aden and Goddard at the Western Fortress! Who will control the border? Fight the invaders, fight anyone who gets in your way! Control Western Fortress! The main Goal is to Control the Western Fortress! By owning this fortress you have access to you own monsters to kill in peace and a "Invader Leader" that spawns once every hour that has great loot. Eliminate Invader Monsters! If taking the fortress isn't something you're interested in, you don't have too. You can simply kill monster Invaders outside of the fortress if you have the guts because you will be flagged 24/7 in this area, so watch your back! The "Invader Leader" only spawns inside Western Fortress(every hour), so if you want to challenge him, you'll need to own the fortress or find a way inside. Take out the Leader! The leader has a respawn of 1 hour once its killed, you can find the Leader inside the Fortress, where you'd take the flags from to capture the fort. Good luck!
  9. Everyone is welcome to their opinion. You can love Idle or hate Idle, we will be here either way. Thank you! We do have a community, it may not be 3000 players like some delusion people want, but we are happy to give 200 people the pleasure of botting with no risk! We also do have non-botters who enjoy messing with the botters.
  10. Growing community, join in with your hands or no hands ;)
  11. If you didnt notice we are a server which allows botting, and if you can't get to 80+ in 1 week on a x5(x15+ with vitality) then your not L2ing right , especially with botting allowed. Your opinion is welcome but don't speak for everyone, L2Idle is different, not for everyone and we're not trying to be a copy paste of every mid rate right now. The server setup is different than most with lower rates but long buff times and a unique community. Thanks! Also you never saw this server opened twice or your blind, this server has launched 1 time, and wil never wipe.
  12. Website: www.Lineage2Idle.com Idle is coming back, with a similar setup as we had before, with a few differences and additions, read the features below. Introducing L2Idle, where you are free to play ANYWAY you like, you're allowed to bot here, we encourage it! A server with retail gameplay with some twists, buff times increased, a convenient shop to make your journey a bit easier and other changes to make gameplay more enjoyable. Read below to discover all of the features. Rates: EXP/SP: x2(3 with premium, vote for premium) Adena: 2x Drop/Spoil: 2x Enchant: 75%, Max +16, Safe +3. Ancient Scrolls(Rare): 75% but wont break or decrease value up to +10. Element: Stones- 50%, Crystals - 30% Chance of Masterwork Craft: 20% Other Currencies: Medals - Obtained from playing automated events. Glittering Medals - Obtained from killing all raids bosses in the world. Vote Coins - Obtained by voting and typing .getreward Alternative Farming: While most of the server remains retail when it comes to obtaining gear and items, we will have alternative farming available. You will be able to farm certain areas for "Energy" which can be exchanged for various items. Current Zones: Monastery of Silence: Energy tradeable for Element Stones, Crystals Giant's Cave: Energy tradeable for SA crystals *List could change/update. Character Information: Skills will be automatically learned.(Except forgotten skills) New characters start with bonus rune and newbie gear. Drops will be automatically picked up.(Excludes raids) Mana drug will be available which recovers mana overtime. NO instant mana potions besides elixers. Inventory is increased to 250 max, warehouse increased 200 max, and weight limit is increased drastically for convenience. Private store item limit increased to 18 for all characters. Nevit's and Vitality fully working, vitality herbs drop and Gift of Vitality event is permanent, BUFFED monsters have a chance to drop revita pops. Additional Features: Constant Gift of Vitality event, maintain vitality every day for hours. Two newly added daily instances, Cave of Ant Queen(Low Level) and Tower of Fate(High Level) Kamaloka's drop common grade items at a high rate(S-grade commons added at 70+ Kama's also) Fortress Instances(via Detention Warden) have been improved with clan eggs drops and other useful drops. Raids coming out to play event, every 8 hours raids spawn in certain areas with rare loot - http://lineage2idle.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=331 Hunting Point System: As you kill monsters, your character will accumulate points, which can be exchanged for various goods at the Services NPC. "Buffed" monsters randomly spawn over the world, which are harder to kill but give bigger drops. Clan halls bid and rent increased to avoid clan hall hogging, they also have all the NPC's you need spawned in them. Clan Hall Benefit - if you own one, you have a special NPC that will increase clan reputation for a fee. Get married in Giran church for 50kk adena, and teleport to your spouse(500k). Divorce costs 1% of your adena. Convenient Control Panel (type .ccp) Block EXP Refuse Trades Protection against unwanted buffs from players Automatically turn shots on after login Hide shops for better loading Hide animations(for low spec PC's). Shop Information: -Armor, Weapons and Jewelry up to S-Grade. -Shots up to B and misc items needed for skills etc. -Vote shop, to exchange vote coins for goodies. Buff Information: Normal Buff Limit: 26(+4 with Divine Inspiration) Dance/Song Limit: 14 Trigger Buff Limit: 12 Buffs are 1 hour in duration. With premium(no need to donate) your buff duration's will be 2 hours. Premium Account System: - Introducing Premium Accounts, no need to donate: 2 Hour Buffs duration. .buffer command for convenient access to buffer(Can't be used in combat). Increased scheme slots to 7. x3 EXP/SP. Miscellaneous change you should know about: - Heroes are selected every 2 weeks, on the 1st and 15th of each month. - Recommendations increased, when you are logged in for 2 hours, you'll get 100, and 20 every hour after that. - Clan Leadership transfers are INSTANT. Also there is no penalty for leaving a clan. - 10 accounts maximum(1 party +1) - Reduced NPC cancel rate significantly to relieve some stress. - Penalty times for leaving clan or ally is removed. - Adventurer Guides can exchange your Hunting Points(Bang) for various items. - {PvP} Weapons and Hero Weapons can be augmented. - .hellbound - check hellbound status, no quest needed to enter and is max level and trust always. - .changepassword command ingame. - /time - see server time This thread will be updated a the days go buy, refer back here often.
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