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Posts posted by sytos

  1. WTS adena on naia server 6,5 $ = 1b

    Stock was reduce to = 47b

    Paypal friends and family 


    For the person with rec i can go first.

    If the person is suspect i will not make the trade.

  2. As tittle said wts my account healer shilen saint(102) and dual feoh storm (105) + email ofcourse

    As bonus acount com with other account iss sws 101 and other other account a crafter lvl 85 in this case i can t give email because i use it.

    The main account have everyting is necesary to have and continue in game :

    - set robe r99 (hat, boots, top part +6/ gloves +10 /pants +8)

    Hair accesory p def and cha, m atack and cha

    - the rest can seen in the pictures

    Skills feoh +6 til +8

    Skills healer range rezist +15 empower, lumi +13 power, salvation +5 time, mana gain 10 shild, blackfire 10 chance and many more i just can t remamber all

    As faction the most of them are 6-8 only fishing is 2

    Exalted status: tavern books needed (have only tauti)

    Many items in wh and inventar,  daily coin i think is 700 on feoh and 500 on iss

    For more info just ask... the list of full items and adena  i will share on privat who pers who is interested.

    3,200b  adena

    Lilith talisman was replace with gos talisman lvl 6

    All the trade we make with midleman chosen by both of us and i will pay the midleman. This is a must and i don't negotiate this.

    Account is still activ so this mean it can have small diference in a good way.


  3. I quit l2 naia because of my time so i sell what i have, i have :

    bloody caster +12 3 sa (hp mystic lvl 8, mystic lvl 8 and feoh )

    abundance lvl 1, anakim, lilith, venir's talisman lvl 9

    bracelet int +3 and other one con +3

    octavis shirt, epic jwl etc...i can pm you with what i have if you are interested

    As character if you still looking is a main se 101 and 90% and dual class feoh storm 103 amd 89,55%... skills enchant some of them are 15 13 etc for more info just ask

    As adena i can sell for 8,5$ 1b, not i don t have to much but after i sell my things i will have more if you are interested. Ty



  4. Because i don t have alot of time but i like to play l2 every month i buy some adena, 3-5-8 B depends on what i need.

    Now i have a seller for 8,5$ but if i can find a other one who sell much cheaper why not, pm you have sell some adena on a lower price then that tnx.

  5. On 1/27/2018 at 2:20 PM, sytos said:

    WTB 6b adena on freya official. pm with price

    Method is simple:

    I will be first if is a trusted mamber and we start with 1b 

    If is not he will pay first 100kk and he will recive for 100kk in usd or eu


    Can be clouse. Thanks

  6. wtt/wts  Spellhowler lvl 66 with CDL (l2classic.club talking island sv)

    Or trade for mage items/adena on l2 official freya

    Account have Avadon set + adamandine jwl ,bssb
    Evil spirit staff +3
    25 684 000 adena
    Divine stocking set + demonic tunic and pants
    And some c items for cristals + scrolls, materials etc is perfect to continue...

    Account is giving with email.

    As a bonus i will give for free acc with a Dominator i think is 59 but this i can't give it with email because i use it.(but you can find me on skype if you need something from email)

    Buyer pay middle man


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