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Everything posted by Kurkulas

  1. alright we will try this solution on lowering all the item id's
  2. what kind of screen shots do you need? i can take some and put links here to them
  3. well the items we trying to put in multi-sell uses ids from 10000 to 90041 and we got some custom farming coins as well which ones have ids from 100100 to 100130, and no not all items have same problem from the ids which i just wrote here all items don't show armor - weapon - coin icons only the names of the items also only one weapon set is working fine when you put them in multi-sell and one or two armor sets has almost same problem as here: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189018-critical-error/ but we don't need to click on item to get the error, it is enough just open the tab where the items are and you get kicked out from game with the error, i was trying to contact the person who had this problem and hes fixed it, but i have not received any reply from him (there is only 2 options with which ones we do not have any problems with all the items 1. spawning them in inventory 2. putting them in default l2 c6 shop to be sold for adenas) only these 2 options are alright with items, so i'm not sure if it is with the patch like ganjaradio sayd or it is something more to do with java configurations that multi-sell would work alright
  4. if patch has problems why is it working when you put it for sale in simple shops for adenas?
  5. the problem i have already explained before but no one helped, the problem is that when we put items in multisell they do not show item name and icons in shops and we are using l2jfrozen.
  6. Hello people i am looking for a person who knows java and could help me with one small problem that our project people can't fix, is there anyone here who would be kind with helping to fix the problem that we have with multisell in shops? if there is please reply to this topic or privately message me i would really appreciate if we could find a person who knows java and would be willing to help us for free! PLEASE NEED HELP BADLY!
  7. i have been already checking id the id's match everywhere and all other small things but nothing seems to be wrong with multisell, we thinking if it is to do something with java or either configurations and we still can't figure out what is wrong that we get this error or don't see the items showing icons, some weapons and armors working fine, but some don't and all custom items are working fine when you spawn them in your inventory.
  8. I have same problem on my server with this error: http://www.maxcheaters.com/topic/189018-critical-error/ - and i don't need even to click on icons it is enough just to point at icon with mouse and i get that error, and it doesn't show the icon of items either, please help if possible?
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