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Everything posted by l2ecliptic

  1. Yes, it is the truth. Mark said: " the pack used to be in his svn from 2011 when he started to fix everything and his pack was used for the first time on L2Max.com ).
  2. If you think that you got flamed, I apologize about that. To be honest, L2Ecliptic was opened once, markwil tried to open it second time but his time was limited, that's why he gave it to me right now. Hope you will take a look on my project. Problems with connection between HTML and Client part. I can help you out, just send me a message.
  3. Mister, I don't know who lied you... I saw that you play on every crappy server, doesn't mind... This server was opened only once, who da faq said that L2Ecliptic was opened many times ? A lot of corruption ? On x25 was someone, (do you want to call his name from this forum ? ) who gave items to his character but mark destroyed his items and banned him after one day. I suggest you to try this server just because, have a nice day !
  4. From what Markell told me: "on x25 server one GM gave items on his character but he got banned and kicked from the team and all items was destroyed".On this server will be only Event Gamemasters, nobody will have acces to create items. Every GM will receive only restricted items and event items. Every action made by GM will be monitor used outside the game. We are waiting for everyone on our forum to give his suggestion and share with us opinions.
  5. Markwil is no longed in the administration team. When he opened x25 I was interested of buying this and few weeks ago I successfully bought the domain, hosting, files and so on. For me wasn't a scammer or how you call him. This server was only opened once, x25, let me share to you some feedbacks from players. http://prntscr.com/e3zmda http://prntscr.com/e3znd2
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