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About xxlancexx

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  1. Adri555, check ur messenger-box pls
  2. ITEMS Draconic Bow w/FOCUS +9 Draconic Bow w/FOCUS Angel Slayer w/Crt. DMG Forgotten Blade (x2) Dragon Hunter Arcana Mace w/ACU (x3) Flaming Dragon Skull w/ACU Sword of Miracles w/ACU SET Major Arcana Robe SET Draconic Leather (x2) +4/3/3/3 SET Imperial Crusader SET Dark Crystal Robe (x3) +4/3/3/3 SET Majestic Leather Armor +4/3/3/3 SET Majestic Heavy Armor +4/3/3/3 IC Shield (x3) 12kkk Adena EWS (x30) CHARS Adv. Lv80 (Skills +9), Subs: Saggi. Lv80 (Stun +9), Mystic Muse Lv80, Phoenix Knight Lv80 StromScreamer Lv80 (with Quest Lv5 Ketra) StromScreamer Lv80, Subs: Saggi. Lv80, Adv. Lv80 Any Char, any level, any subs. Just ask for it. Price? Offer. Payment? PayPal.
  3. what kind of items? i've 2x draco set 1x ma set 2x am w/acu 1x as w/cd 1x ic shield 10ews 5kkk etc..
  4. for € or ITEMS l2infinite (;
  5. This is the best char on l2inc, it's Sagittarius lv 83 with (at same moment, Eva's Saints lv80) x2 Passives skills +Buff E'sS at moment u can enchant both skill Eva's Saints skill lv80 With +++ SP for all skills recharge youself!! :* eQuipament: Set mj light +3/+4 Set tallum heavy +3/+4 Set tallum robe without gloves Draco bow, Tallum Blade, 700kk adena pd: Full buff, i have 6.2k p atk (the best GS has 4,4k p atk with dynasty bow)
  6. Anyone have any special system for "Gracia final 3". If you can zoom with infinite and the system colors. On this link does not work for me, it is often stopped: http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=65144.msg470199#msg470199 ty
  7. L2Ownage adena: 1kkk = 5€ msn cnt: syp_marketl2@hotmail.com
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