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Everything posted by methisos

  1. playervibe.com neos server me oreo homepage kai kalos server :) have fun ^^
  2. i just mean there are even on the vesper armorgrp not any mantles added, as i see on the armorgrp atm.
  3. I HAVE A QUESTION BUT I TELL IT FROM THE START, DONT MOVE THE TOPIC TO HELP SECTION BECAUSE MOST OF PPL WHO KNOW ABOUT IT NEVER LOOK AT HELP SECTION SO LET IT HERE THX!!!! dont wanna wait 100 years of a answere. my question is how to add the mantle from vesper armor into a dat file, someone can help me with it? or give me a link or so. THX
  4. what exactly i have to change at blender and/or 3dsmax that it looks normal again like for example imperial shield i mean the painting, atm its like mirror shit. and not like this what i need.. http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/8138/shot00154y.jpg http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/1083/shot00153p.jpg help plix :)
  5. hmm i know man i tested everything, is it posible that you add me on your icq? would be much more help. thx btw
  6. yea the problem is i saw the things allready, but this one for example, i try to export it with obj or with psk but when i do it to UKX file i get critical error when i loggin in game, and when i use the number 16 on the qukx or so what is the name of the probgram i just cant see the item ingame. dunno really anymore, critical i invited you in icq. http://img123.imageshack.us/img123/362/imperial.jpg for example this one, can export but dont work.
  7. hi, have a little question, there is a shield what on the UTX file have the parts like an armor, i mean it has just some parts arround the half of it, and then it just duplicate it ingame for example from left same to right, on imperial shield its not that way, its like full shield on utx file, but where i can change that for example make the first shield like the imperial shield one, to have it as full part in a UTX, someone can help me? hope you guys understood it. i use blender btw
  8. hi, have a little question, there is a shield what on the UTX file have the parts like an armor, i mean it has just some parts arround the half of it, and then it just duplicate it ingame for example from left same to right, on imperial shield its not that way, its like full shield on utx file, but where i can change that for example make the first shield like the imperial shield one, to have it as full part in a UTX, someone can help me? hope you guys understood it. i use blender btw
  9. hi here are so many guys with servers and dunno what else, could someone maybe explain with what programms and how to edit a animation file/ukx file, would be really cool dont care if its interlude or hellbound, i also searched on many forums but the posts are too old and links dont work or ppl didnt really answered on some things in other forums. so would be nice if someone could do that. THX it would help a lot of ppl
  10. ITS a nice server with many new thinks and ideas join guys, 17.10.2008 and a very nice event where nowhere exist :)) and many new costumed items and balanced pvps on Hellbound java server. x10 rates have fun guys and a nice day. see you ingame ;) lineage2planet.net Rates xp+sp= x10 party x1,5 adena= x15 www.lineage2planet.net
  11. hello first, is anyone here who can repair or create skills on java server? i mean xml + where ever it have also to be done, skills which for example sould work, but dont work. if yes please write it here down thx ^^
  12. can you tell me what i have to put on option/service/server folder with DiskW? plix ^^
  13. how is posible to disable the option to port on a town durring a siege time? on a l2jfree hellbound, please help. if i am on wrong section please fix it, thx
  14. its the massage of l2jserver nighty or so, i downloaded it but its the only version which says on thechat when you login, L2J DEV bla bla datapack and so other thinks. add me in msn maybe we can discous it there better thx :)
  15. hallo, if i am on the wrong section please move it btw. so my question is, i made that everyone can go till lvl 85 ingame on a l2jserver hellbound l2jfree, but subclasses are only till 80, how can i change that too?
  16. hello guys, could someone write here how to install a l2emu server? because how i saw isnt the same like the others. :) THX
  17. guys hello first ^^ on the l2j server pack what i use on my server, there is a little strange think what i cant remove, there are infos about l2jserver dev bla bla from where i downloaded it and about what datapack it has, maybe someone can tell me how to remove that massage? would be really cool or if someone can do it that i send him my l2jserver data :)
  18. where can i do that on a l2jserver hellbound? there doesnt exist anythink like enterworld :/
  19. yes and on weapongrp it say new-weapongrp.dat not found or somethink like this error, and if i close fileedit i loose the weapongrp.dat where was inside system, and i think that there is a problem on weapongrp because i copy paste the line from the demon zarich only and change the ID maybe thats why it doesnt work :/
  20. i have a little question if i am in the wrong section please move me :) i tryed to change on weapongrp the demonic sword of zarich to make also a costum one with a other name, but it doesnt work i cant confirm it with fileedit on weapongrp, please help :/
  21. hmm could someone put the file here? so that i can download it? because i dont found where i sould put it :/
  22. the books are ingame i can spawn them, but doesnt work to enchant a skill :/ could anybody tell me why? and where i found it? on DB its 6622 id and there stand oldtype castle_guard and OLDname c4item. please help
  23. exo ena problimataki men mporo na kano sto homepage na fenete to online status tou server, ala den dexete ta ipolipa infos apo database opos p.x. pvp/pk/castles etc. bgazi ena error apo mysql ktlp. mpori kanis na mou pis giati? i pos na to kano na ginete? P.S. thx apo tora geia to HELP!! :)
  24. geia, afou eimaste poumaste edo sta mana potions, den mou leei kanis pos/pou alazo to poso mp na dini? idio kai sta healing potions. plix :)
  25. THX :) tha dokimaso na do ti mporo na kano. kai btw kanete kali doulia edo :)
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