This is easy more you must change your ip in server\gameserver\configs\ and in ExternalHostname=* you must paste you ip e.xExternalHostname= you must delete first [*] and in this link InternalHostname=* you paste your ip e.x InternalHostname= and next you go in server\login server\configs\ and in this line ExternalHostname=* you paste your ip e.x. ExternalHostname= and this line InternalHostname=* you must paste your ip e.x. InternalHostname= all this you can look your ip in and for static ip login in 1st you must open this ports in your ruter you paste in 1st line 9014,7777 [add] and in 2nd link 84or83,2014 you can login in your ruter with this adress ['> or........] in forthen is ] plz vote in my server for site i am here