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Everything posted by DaRkFire

  1. EINai l2jVedeta h allios apo to l2jserver.com kai exei diskw mesa
  2. Hi pedes exoume enan neo server kai theloume na mathoume apo diskw gia na sikosoume site me domain kai na exei ta status opios mas help tha kerdisei den tha xasi!!!!!!
  3. Re man ama me help tha se help ok? Tha vreis to email m edo trelakis2008@hotmail.com
  4. Welcome in our Topic for L)(GameZoNe (exp:x500sp:x500adena:x3000drop:x3) (Safe:10 max:35) (www.l2gamezone.ucoz.com) (Have fun)
  5. Hi thelw na kanw ena site me adobe flase alla den kserw p na vrw ta effects h to program kai pos na ta kanw plz help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee/Hi i want made a site with adobe flase but i dont know how please help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Ty
  6. HI i have a problem i want the letters to appear one after one...for example first the L then the 2 then the G then the A and all the other like movie with flase player but i dont know how i do this on a pc help me plz Edit By Noble: 2 days ban for opening same thread not once not twice but 3 times today...take care next time!!!
  7. Anubis i am last admin in l2tractions plz add me this is my new email:trelakis2008@hotmail
  8. I can send you i have 1569gk for interlude and kamael find me in my email tonotaki4ever@hotmail.com please vote for my server in www.l2gamezone.ucoz.com
  9. Man i can great a costum npc for you you can find me in my email adress tonotaki4ever@hotmail.com plz vote in my server www.l2gamezone.ucoz.com
  10. This is easy more you must change your ip in server\gameserver\configs\server.pro.... and in ExternalHostname=* you must paste you ip e.xExternalHostname= you must delete first [*] and in this link InternalHostname=* you paste your ip e.x InternalHostname= and next you go in server\login server\configs\loginserver.pro... and in this line ExternalHostname=* you paste your ip e.x. ExternalHostname= and this line InternalHostname=* you must paste your ip e.x. InternalHostname= all this you can look your ip in www.whatismyip.com and for static ip login in www.no-ip.com 1st you must open this ports in your ruter you paste in 1st line 9014,7777 [add] and in 2nd link 84or83,2014 you can login in your ruter with this adress ['> or........] in forthen is ] plz vote in my server www.l2gamezone.ucoz.com for site i am here tonotaki4ever@hotmail.com
  11. Re min help to darkwars autos nomizei pos enas server einai kls otan einai sto hopzone
  12. Go in www.4shared.com and in search press buffer or gatekeeper or gm shop or kamael or npc
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