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About Donjukna

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    League of legends,Eloboost

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  1. New orders are apreaciated, our skype is Csdoncecs
  2. Elo boosters are free atm, contact us :]
  3. Introduction Hello reader,Im Diamond 3 Singed player & Gainelo owner,since I also playing very often this game I decided to offer my service which I do by myself. If you want to get highest quality ELO boost service by Challenger players check my other thread: Click Here Features Offline mode VPN Usage Can Send replay of the games Can make screenshots of the games Extra information I don't use any illegal scripts or 3rd party software Your boost will be 100% confidential I will not buy anything with your IP/RP, unless you give me the permission I can always boost atleast 1-5 divisions per day I am online 16 hours a day and available to chat almost at all times I will have the full responsibility of your boost I have 100% positive feedback on every platform None of my customers have had issues with Riot/Tribunal If you want that boost be done by my hands Click to add me on Skype Skype ID - Csdoncecs That is my only skype, no dots or numbers. Please use the click to add button or double check who you're adding. Price list - Division Bronze V-IV = 5€/DuoQ 8€ Bronze IV-III = 5€/DuoQ 8€ Bronze III-II = 5€/DuoQ 8€ Bronze II-I = 5€/DuoQ 8€ Bronze I 0-100 LP + Series = 8€/DuoQ 10€ Bronze V - Silver V = 20€/DuoQ 28€ Bronze Win = 2€ Silver V-IV = 8€/DuoQ 11€ Silver IV-III = 8€/DuoQ 11€ Silver III-II = 8€/DuoQ 11€ Silver II-I = 8€/DuoQ 11€ Silver I 0-100 LP + Series = 10€/DuoQ 12€ Silver V - Gold V = 37€/DuoQ 45€ Silver Win = 3€ Gold V-IV = 15€/DuoQ 20€ Gold IV-III = 15€/DuoQ 20€ Gold III-II = 16€/DuoQ 21€ Gold II-I = 16€/DuoQ 21€ Gold I 0-100LP + Series = 23€/DuoQ 29€ Gold V - Platinum V = 60€/DuoQ 80€ Gold Win = 4€ Platinum V-IV = 20€/DuoQ 40€ Platinum IV-III = 20€/ DuoQ 40€ Platinum III-II = 24€/DuoQ 48€ Platinum II-I = 24€/DuoQ 48€ Platinum I 0-100 LP + Series = 30€/DuoQ 60€ Platinum V - Diamond V = 105€/DuoQ 190€ Diamond V-IV = 60€ Diamond IV-III = 60€ Payment PayPal Old School Runescape GP. Completed jobs by me
  4. Thanks,customers are our priority we hire only Hight Master/Challenger boosters thats why prices are on hight side :]
  5. Why Choose Us ? Hello our lovely customer,Gainelo it brought together a team of Master/Challenger players that seeks to ensure the fastest & highest quality elo boost service. Our mission to provide premium service,our boosters are friendly and help you with tips. Priority for us that customers would be satisfied with our elo boost service and recommend it to others. We have 40 0 0 feedback,it means all our customers was satisfied,we meet their highest expectations. We boost in EUW,EUNE,TR,RU and NA servers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELO Boost Click here pricing & ordering ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Completed Jobs Gallery Click Here ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whats The Point Of Elo Boost ? Incredible learning experience for you. You will adapt and will get plenty room to improve,you will see what you did bad in lower elo. If you want the victorious skins/wards that Riot won't sell or ever have available again also season end borders. If you do not have much time to play and want fast results,or you play with your friends and you want to save time. If many toxic players in your elo and you want get rid of them. If you want brag and feel superior to your girlfriend/friends. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feedbacks ​ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Video Feedbacks ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add Us Via Button ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Eloboost terms: - The person that is leveling your account is located in (countries):Varies depending on Region. - They are using a VPN/Proxy to Boost? (Varies) - The customer can log into the account in between boosting sessions? (No) To avoid suspension / ban for quick IP swapping from account sharing, you should not be logging in. - If the account gets banned or rewards are removed during Boosting or right after (within 2 days), we will compensate you (No). Any service purchased is against the respective TOS of the game the service is for. While we have not had a problem,we would be unable to compensate for completed service or account loss. Upon purchase you automatically read and agree with our eloboost terms.
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