For sale Doombringer 85 100% (75,75,75) with items:
-Vorpal Light set 1800 att +3+4
-Vesper Slasher +4 Health 300
-Tezza +4
-zaken +4
-Flame cloak +4
-vorpal rings +3 earing +4
Oly Weapons:
Soes, Mental, Skill refresh, clarity, Dual Might
Skill enchant:
passives +10-+15
Active +15-+23
Loads of mats, talizmans for oly, Bracelet S, Shirt S +4 CP,
Offers or questions on PM.
Welcome, I would like to sell my main account on RPG Club x7 High FIve which is:
Tyrant LVL 85 100% 3xsubs 75lvl (haste, UD,celestial) Skills enchanted passives +10-13, Active +15, Hurricane +22
-Vorpal Light set PVP +3 1800 att
-Vesper Light set +3 900 att
-Vesper FIghter +5 focus with good agu
-Tezza +4
-Oly earing and ring
-Vorpal ring and earing +4
-Cloak of flame +6
For Oly 2 weapons with agu, Doom heavy set, Heavy war axe +health masterwork, Soes, mental
Warehouse full of mats etc.
As a bonus 2 support accounts perfect for making instances:
WC lvl 84 with bassalt 150, DC set and mj jewells set +fenril 86 with top equ
BD lvl 84 with dual S 150, Tallum set and mj jewells set + fenril 86 with top equ
PM here with offers. Paypal accepted.
I have for sale adena on l2 Ramona, price is 3,5euro for 100kk. Curently 4,3 Bill in stock.
Adena earned legally without 3rd party software.
I accept paypal, pm me here for info.