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About wachstiel

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  1. i play in lineage on GravelanD too / Ja tez gram na serwerze GravelanD Write me gg - 4899357
  2. why L2walker don`t have in MONS SETTING Treasure Boxes ( only Treasure chests)
  3. i heve disconnect and a have reaport Local:Unable to read data from the transport connection: Operacja blokująca została przerwana przez wywołanie funkcji WSACancelBlockingCall why?
  4. why i dont`t see lineage in windows?
  5. "@wachstiel its supposed to go no further than the select server screen..when you select and log on the server you want,switch back to the walker and you should log on your character there (on OOG)" game not run only in windows with Bake-ice, he stop in select the serwer. Walker conect and work. But i don`t see game in windows (bake-ice)
  6. L2walker (OOG) conect and work, but game in windows (Bake-Ice) stay when i select the serwer. whay?
  7. I Have problem When i open walker, he normal open and have full information for my Lineage 2 char. But when i select the serwer. Lineage 2 not login to serwer. PROXFIER bloked select the serwer Po polskuteraz :-) Wszstko mi dziala do momentu wyboru serwera. Nawet L2walker sie poprawnie uruchamia i sciaga wszystkie dane o mojej postaci. Potem sie loguje do gry z klienta i gdy mam wybrac serwer to sie nie da. Jednak L2walker jest caly czas zalogowany. a ja nie moge wejsc do gry. To tak jakby wybranie serwera blokowal PROXFIER. Co zrobic
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