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About alcwgr

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  1. Time for everybody to learn the ugly truth about l2 equanimity and his admin Balls. Sorry for the long post. I joined this server about 3 years ago not only for the features but because i was convinced that admin (Balls) care so much and respected his users. I saw him reply in forum posts with dignity and respect, being active and he seemed to help players. It didn't take long to realize server was under populated and facing some serious issues (class balancing, economy, luck of updates and fixes). I couldn't understand why and kept playing but things became worse almost in a monthly bases. After a while, the reasons became apparent. There were no updates nor fixes for the server. Some classes where heavily nerfed and unplayable but every time someone dared to question this, his was flamed. Me and other people provided specific stats from tests (critical damage nerfs, robe healer users being undead) making the problems obvious but once again these voices were ignored or flamed. Specific updates being promised 1 year before i join are still not live (4 years later). The reasons for this are known and admin has shared these. Communicty and everyone that was still there, we were all just waited for Balls to come back. Things became even worse. Even more people left the server, less than 100 active players stayed, economy has completely collapsed and you cannot find items any more in the market (weapons, armor, jewels, other) but once again, everybody that asks for updates/fixes or questions what is going on gets burned. The latest example here is my account (victor1gr) where after 3 years of playing there, after real donations i made to support the server, after beeing offered to promote the server for free and try bring more people in, I was permantly banned from the forum and game just for stating the obvious after my posts on this thread -> http://www.l2equanimity.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4213 . there is one more post of mine on this thread that was deleted. I suspect this was the reason of the ban. luckily i have a backup (just as i'm keeping a backup of the whole thread in case Balls decide to delete this as well). See for youself, decide for yourself if this justifies a permanent ban. This is not to cry for the ban but mostly to warn people about Balls before someone decides to invest his time there. I consider my account lost for ever but i may save some time for someone else. After this post been deleted and me getting banned, I sent at least 4 emails to Admin (Balls) asking him to let me know if banning me was intentional and the reason behind this. In contrast to times where i was making real money donations for the server (in which case i was getting an answer on the same day) this time i didn't even get an answer on none of my emails. My emails were super polite (i paste them all below and i will provide screenshots in case Balls dares to question those) so again, there is no reason to not even get an answer. Nobody deserves this kind of behaviour. My account may be lost but i want to make sure that people understand what kind of person this guy really is. Litteraly, he has zero respect for his players. You are warned. below all the emails i sent him after the ban:
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