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About abecikxp

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  1. Hey Anybody can share me class master (like interlude) , all links are death now.
  2. I have fixed db , In user_data table (dvamp has exp Big int and vaule is bigger than int) i have down to int vaules and re import and works fine :)
  3. Sorry i have using same update script but ,i have wrong paste (pastebin)from another kation files. ^ btw i have using same ext I think err can be in char id , i will try to change to another id (free ) but db cant allow me this.
  4. I have using http://pastebin.com/iS72VccD Lin2world http://pastebin.com/jaCp85XY Lin2world up I have imported all tables from dvamp db to kation db , i cant understood why second characters on all acc works , problem is only with first characters on acc
  5. yes intelude pack On all accounts i cant login to first created character , only on second and more.
  6. Hey any body know how fix this error in db ? I have imported db from Dvamp files but i have errors when try run kation files , on clear db all works perfect but i want use old db. 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, fetch errorś 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, sqlstate 22003 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, msgText [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Numeric value out of range 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, sql EXEC lin_GetUserDataByCharId 249763 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, [.\User.cpp][4243] undefined (or unregistered) char Id[249763] 03/18/2013 17:49:17.937, --- call stack ---
  7. http://www.multiupload.nl/20ORFE7E8S
  8. Hey there are some depmax64 files , including AdvExtx64 extender (C6). (btw i dont test this files) http://www.multiupload.com/2MNJ3KCNVW
  9. yes , i know this but there in shared pack npcdata is x50 (edited by any l2rates ) this is not x1 , okey I try find another npcdata , :)
  10. thanks but anybody can share npcdata.txt x1 to this pack , because there is x50
  11. thanks :D
  12. I have paste error from LOG ^ ^ if i know where is error then i dont ask on forum..
  13. Hello i have this problem: 10/30/2010 17:57:42.107, [.\MultiSell.cpp][558] Parsing MultiSell file failed after editing multisell.txt Here is my multisell file (my edit is //edit) http://www25.zippyshare.com/v/50297965/file.html
  14. Hello maxcheaters ppl I have problem with npc data after edit by hdnpc. I have add some intelude drop /spoil items but after fix file have much errors with npc here is log. http://wklej.org/id/403555/ here is oryginal npcdata file without errors (before edit) http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/69533832/file.html here is fixed file with errors after edit http://www5.zippyshare.com/v/94934528/file.html any body can tell me where i made error and how i can fix/repair this ? .. Thanks for read and any help :P
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