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About silverstoneblue

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Newbie (1/16)



  1. good seller, ty very much
  2. see topic, pls pm br ssb
  3. Hello, i sell feoh90/sub dagger76 clean with some NCcoins left (109). 75€ or pm offer... wynn85 clean 15€ i only accept paypal or adena on Naia if u have question, pm me ;)
  4. wtb tank on naia 95+ , pls pm...
  5. everything went smooth :) ty for this nice deal
  6. hello, wtb Apo Buster +7 or higher with 2SA and 300 Element Water @ Naia i pay in Euro (paypal). pm with price
  7. payment only by paypal for more Information, pm me
  8. hi all, start enchanting a piece of armor or weapon then press ALT+H. Now the complete Interface is hidden, inclusive the enchanting process window. If u press ALT+H again, u will notice that the progressbar starts at the same point as u first hit ALT+H... It seems to me, that the enchantprocess take a break... dunno if there is any chance for cheating here at this point... greetz silverstoneblue
  9. look in the top left corner, acc: asd pass: asdasd... this is the gm account on l2core i think
  10. hmm asd is the acc.... XD
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