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Posts posted by wizzi

  1. see this is the diff between us.. i actually have prof and reason.. to say what i do..


    you base she is a he on assumptions.. while i say retarded with a fact and lol trust me.. retarded isn not offencive and this ban is a fail.. like any ban you could ever give me.. cuz again i dont say bs.

  2. not omg hackers... its omg mxc, mods said you fixed this before lol.. and when i posted a reply about it... it just got deleted like all rest =/


    How can avatars cause this?

    It's a lil bit strange btw...

    I think that Stealth is right, allthough we must check both options.


    I suggest to do what kenji said.


    my guess is this isnt avatar.. its where someone changes avatar... code escapes and they let threw that pop up box along with avatar code >.> why dont you fix this lol.. its so hard to play around with preg or what??

  3. sensei stop bump old topic if you cant help then lol


    actually if you look at his post, youll notice it adds new details to the topic and answers the post above it...


    now.. you on the other hand did nothing to contribute and tbh bumping is exactly what you did.. =/


    gl with spams in future.. i see its working for you ;)

  4. make a server,pay for it 99 euro every month,post it here,i want to join your fuly bugged server and after come tell me if a am good or no ok??? and GF Son of the bitch!!!


    P.S(Sry for bad words but some noobs make me angry...and 1 thing more..I bet that wizzy dunno know how to open a java server so SHE must go play pac-man bb


    www.Storml2.tk and no i do not pay for it every month(no lag tho)... since i know my isp i even get hosting free, cant get paypal from my state so no domain lol.. ^^


    also in short desc its more custom than any other server out there ever.... more than 700 custom items(200 for armor, around 400 weapons), ive also programed auto events like... made tvt auto before any noob post here, last man standing(on castle grounds.. change each turn), auto hide and seek, player races, cursed events, capture the flag... global raids.. rofl i even made 10 ingame gambling games like black jack.. slot machine..... then i moded original systems like.... my own class master so you can really sub to all(no limitations).. and so kamael can equip any kind of eq.. or my own auctioneer.., my fav town wars lol global, allot of custom voice, skill command handlers etc.. etc... and you know what.. i call my server noob and alltho servers like yourse is shit compared to fun this guys have... i still think its bad.. so yeah im not only judging your server.. all im saying is what any experienced player thinks..

    anyway i think l2 had it times now most ppl get bored too fast... cuz tbh it is a bit boring game lol :P.. so since im such a noob ill close down this server..only reason im posting its link here ^^.. and do something whole.. not just custom systems plus retail but imagine... like factions or gve.. 2 sides.. siege areas for world domination, constant pvp.. only way to get exp even.. can port to any player on man.. buy land(so ye any player gets a house), made an engine i call the "Pokemon mod" lol ^^, you can capture any monster you can kill and then fly or ride it.. last day i thought... so many noobs use walker.. i can ether make a custom launcher or w/e.. maybe add it to my auto voter for players... but why care... only thing worth caring for is online players and ppl having fun.. not how much someone farms >.>... so i made .bot cmd lol.. guess what this automizes? :P.... lol practically only thing left from l2 is a shell with oly + castle sieges left..

    anyway its hard not to respond to that.. and tbh i dont think you even know what a noob admin looks like... cuz you never really seen a pro :/

    also... java rofl? you wanna be a pro in java? xD omg..... man.. no way you can be prod on runing a java server rofl.. was my point in first post.... takes 2 mins to set it up.. and cmon.. java has good compability with different os but.. its slow and leaks like shit.. besides you need allot bigger knowledge when it comes to having a server.. but you you wouldnt know about that cuz you probably never even seen the source code.. then where does web page, voters, launchers w/e come in? well duh they dont.. and when something goes wrong.. theres no one to fix or update it so... then we usually get whipes right?

    anyway.. i bragged enough lawl.. and srry for kinda destroying your topic.. i know it wasnt my kindness at its best lol.. but its the reason you get mad really.. you know im right, only then you think im even worse? guess you think allot of things huh.. but i wasted enough time on this.. :P just woke up so it was great lol... gj on larning how to setup a database and click 2x on a start.bat ;)

  5. yeah.. and how hard is that? tbh like any forum this is full of leechers.... and so no one will share something really good.. that a dozen of ppl wouldnt know already >.>


    anyway...... learn .NET.. or if your that good.. make a cookie container and make automized voting threw sockets, but easiest way and all auto voters ive seen so fare use it... is just using IE's core so browser emulation is practically perfect, then all you need is some com to click vote buttons and there you go lol.... so if you have a dynamic ip, just add renew for nc and if not, big deal.. parse some site like http://www.google.si/search?q=free+proxy and making your machine connect to proxy and use other ip is like.. 5 lines of code.


    and to think ppl pay 100s of $$$ for it lol......

  6. Let me ask you, if you have such a powerful server, why do you use a free host for the website ?


    exactly rofl.. also if youre bored to write specs... just write: leeched like any other l2j, with 2mins of your admins life to set it up.

  7. find your towns in data\zone\peace.xml and cut(copy and remove) it from there.. then add it to arena.xml.. this is only so you dont have to be in combat mode to use some skills etc.. if you want normal zone with just pvp allowed.. then i think its enough to set the <settings pvp="Peace"/> tag to <settings pvp="Arena"/>.. alltho it may be overwritten... anyway moving the area would work it for sure.

  8. omg ppl... its just a client mod and ofc all this works in official.. it has nothing to do with server so why wouldnt it? also.. no one will ever see you glowing or w/e flying.. cuz others dont have this mod and as i said.. its client side oO lol.. thats the whole point of this online games.. i mean imagine how this would be like with weapons, you swap some no grade bows textures with draconic and you have draconic? sure you see it and you might post the noob mod here, but come on lol.. its not like it has any more use than few screenies..

  9. its same file... youll notice each race(except humans and orcs) have 2 different texture addresses since theres 2 models for each one..


    and are you sure you didnt mess it up while editing icons.. and that your current client version is same as the share..


  10. Taken from Hopzone's forum in order to make your life easier.



    well its actually from my guide on ragezone.. but i see ppl posted it everywhere by now...

    anyway i also made an example of acc creation... so ill add it to make it complete..


    First create acc.php file in same directory as index.. and add this script to it

      define('mySQL_hostname', '');  //database IP
      define('mySQL_database', 'Database');  //database name
      define('mySQL_username', 'User');  //database user
      define('mySQL_password', 'Pass');  //database password
      function l2j_encrypt($password) 
            return base64_encode(pack("H*", sha1(utf8_encode($password))));
      $str =  l2j_encrypt($_POST['pass']);
      $user = $_POST["name"];
      $db_link = mysql_pconnect( mySQL_hostname, mySQL_username, mySQL_password )
        or die( 'Error connecting to mysql<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
      $db_select = mysql_select_db( mySQL_database, $db_link )
        or die( 'Error connecting to Database<br><br>'.mysql_error() );
      if ($user == '') { print'Incorrect UserID'; mysql_close(); }
      else {
      $db_add = mysql_query( "INSERT INTO `accounts` VALUES ('$user', '$str', '0', '0', '')" )
        or die( 'Error: '.mysql_error() );
      print 'Account Created<br><br>Enjoy youre gameplay.';


    after that add this to index


      <form action="acc.php" method=post>
        UserID:<input type="text" name="name" size="20"><br><br>
        Password:<input type="password" name="pass" size="20"><br><br>
        <input type=submit name="submit" value="Login">


    i think same encryption is used since c4.. so it should work for everyone.

  11. I dont wanna say that isnt 9h buffs but these are >>ONLY<< for L2JONEO!!!! for l2j and l2emu and l2jfree you must do it by your self. ..


    dont know for last l2jfree revs.. probably not but you can set all in l2jemu.. anyways since we have decrypted system.. i guess best move is to add costom skills.. alltho i like it cuz this way even playrs can use buffers and they dont complain about buff times.. i guess its different if you run a low rate..

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