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Posts posted by MaDNeX

  1. TA sugxaritiria mou sto palikari fenetai na einai psagmenos. erwthsh omws an exoume system katevasmeno apo ton "server" ton opoio paizoume. kamia fora exoun ekei hdh perasmeno to IP gia log in ktl(dld dn kanoume drivers,etc ktl) paizei to system omws afto na exei kapoio eidos protection anti-cheat - anti-bot?

    Oxi tpt epidi eida oti anaferes gia system(folders) pou dn prepei na einai peiragmena apo Server owners.

    An exei anti-bot system pws mporoume na kanoume bypass?

  2. kai giati na mn to kaneis me overlord or warcryer pou exoun kalhtera buffs gia fighter?


    px. ston L2 dragonlance(palios server) empaine to orcaki me bow k dragonic armor k erixne tous normal fighters


    fusika dn nomizw na piasei se mage afto pou les mias pou an anoiksei enlightment k esy varas me apla hits. 8a peseis aklaftos.


    ase pou ta orcs exoun k warcy(tongle skill p.at)

  3. loipon ayto to bug to kana sunexeia sto l2 RS sto palio osoi xerete.... loipon ftiaxneis macro.... sto 1 vazeis : /attack sto 2 vazeis//attack to vazeis kapou 5 fores... meta vazeis peripou sto 5:/targetnext... loipon pas kai vriskeis ena mob p einai makria apo ta alla to kaneis target kai patas to macro.... kwlas to koube me to macro me ena ziloteip i anaptira opws kanw egw kai molis psofisei to mob kai xanakanei respawn to xanakanei target mono t kai to varaei..... affineis to pc anoixto kai pas gia cafe ( dn xerw an exei xanaginei post an exei ginei peite na kanw remove...) ty


    Ok... kai meta apo kamia 20aria fores... vgainei ena message sto L2 kai leei... sugxaritiria.. molis kerdisate ena xalasmeno Keyboard!

  4. TERA is where all the old employees that worked at NCSoft for L2 are, so TERA is basically the spiritual successor of L2


    ahahahah is that what you thing? LOL mate... TERA is a stolen project... some of the employees stole it and sold it to tera's company... none of them is working to tera right now... anyway Be sure before u post.

  5. l2lightvortex

    l2D O M I N I O N







    to dokimasa kai epiase epitixos :))


    mipws to dikomases kai ston L2megaPsema kai ston L2denPianeiMeTipota?



    giati egw to dokimasa ston Mafia kai ston Vortex.

    alla den eida fws...

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