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Posts posted by joogis

  1. well nice thnx for so many info  ;D ;D i have spellsinger and its casting speed 1700+ with dark cirstal robe and infinity rod and one of the skill thats power is 350 i thinks its name blizzard thats skill casting is faster and its hit good dmg but ill try sorcer  it looks nice

  2. the server is the same as in "tank" post . iam talking just about these mages : necro, spellsinger, spellhower, sorcer. those have seeds (fire seed, wind seed , water seed) except necro those seeds in my server hold for 9 mins all buffs !! which is better ?? with what armor and weapon???  :D

  3. well every 1 has his own definition of tanks , me for example some 1 with alot of p.def or m.def when i hit them , a guy with alot hp or with zariche , it dosen't mean u need to have agression skill , b/c what do u call a spell singer with augument hate aura , a tank? no way.


    i agree with ya !!

  4. ok i need help for chosing what tank to chose that have good  p.def, m.def, many HP that it cluod be strong in many ways  in p.atk, atk speed, critical rate.... What gear is the best for it ?? what dyes(if needed)??   (server rates is 200x there is buffer( buffs : Prophet dances , songs, WC,Overlord , cat pet buffs, shilant saints and eva's saints buffs) frenzy holds for 2 mins ( i think frenzys reuse time is 2 mins too ), no tattos in server,  Gmshop(in Gmshop there is hero weapon (infinity) and dynasty armors, weapons(s80) ) ) from these classes : Dreadnought, Phenix knight, hell knight, eva's templar, shilent templar, titan.  ::)  ;D pls compere these clases say there ++ and -- thnx



    P.S. sorry for mistakes  ;D ;D and if forget something to motion something just say ;)

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